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Basil woke up the next morning.

He got up, wondering when he ever went to bed...

When he ever left the bathroom...

When he ever fell asleep...

Basil decided to go to their old secret hideaway to clear his mind.

He got up, walking out of his room. Polly must have still been asleep. Basil decided to write a note.

'Gone out. Be back before lunch

Basil slipped his shoes on, walking out the door. He slowly walked past Sunny's street...


Basil kept walking. He stopped at the entrance to the park.

He looked around.

Kids playing on swings...

Families having picnics...

Couples cuddling...

It made Basil feel so...


". . ."

Basil walked into the park. He kept walking untill he got to the entrance to the hideaway.

He walked through trees and bushes, reaching the familiar lake.

Basil watched the water ripple...

Watched as the grassed swayed in the breeze...

Took a deep breath as fresh air filled his lungs...

And jumped at the slight rustling in the bushes...

". . ."

Basil watched as Aubrey and her band of hooligans walked into the clearing...

Her blue eyes narrowed as she lay eyes on Basil...

As the hooligans surrounded Basil...

"...what are you doing here freak?"

Aubrey stepped forward causing Basil to stumble backwards...

He slipped...

And fell on the ground...

She took another step forward...

"I told you to stay-"


Basil screamed as loud as he could, startling Aubrey.

"Shhhhh... someone will find this place..."

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE? Aubrey, are you seriously bullying poor Basil again?"

Kel ran into the clearing, Sunny following close behind.

"N-no... we didn't do anything to him... he just started yelling..."

"Like I'm gonna believe that! Why do you Bully him anyways? We all used to be friends!"


"I know you still care Aubrey... if you didn't, you wouldn't hang out here anymore..."


The hooligans looked at eachother, before grabbing their scooters and leaving the hideaway.

"... you really expect me to care about people who LEFT ME WHEN I NEEDED THEM? DO YOU EXPECT ME TO STILL WANT TO BE YOUR FRIEND? HA! DONT MAKE ME LAUGH!"

Aubrey started yelling. Basil put a hand on her shoulder.


Aubrey smacked his hand off of her shoulder.


Aubrey backed Basil to the edge of the dock. She pushed him backwards...

He slipped...

And fell...




Basil sunk into the water...

He could hear faint yelling as he sunk deeper...

And deeper...

Suddenly, Sunny jumped in, wrapping his arms around Basil...

But was unable to pull Basil up...

Basil blacked out...
Basil's eyes opened. He was in bed...

How did he get here...?

What happened...? Was any of that real...?

Basil got out of bed, stepping out of his room. Polly looked over and let out a sigh of relief.

"Oh thank god... Hero, Sunny and Kel brought you over... I'm so glad your safe... listen... your grandmother is in the hospital... I wanted to drive you there... so you could see her..."

Basil's eyes widened...

She was in the hospital?

Basil quickly ran to the door, putting his shoes on. He ran out of the house, jumping in the car.

Polly got in and drove Basil to the hospital.

"Basil... I have some errands to run, be good. I'll pick you up in a few-"

Basil ran into the hospital, cutting g Polly off. Basil ran up to the front desk. The lady pointed him to grandma's room.

Basil ran in...

Her breathing was shallow...

Basil ran over to where she lay...

He grabbed her hand...

"... I'm here grandma..."

Basil sat down...

And watched...

As the monitor went flat...

Doctors and nurses ran in...

Basil was taken out of the room, wide eyed...

Polly was informed to pick him up as soon as possible...

Basil sat, teary eyed...

Was any of this real...?

Was she really gone...?

Why was life this unfair...?

Basil couldn't stand it...

He wanted to see grandma...

To see Mari...

Polly picked him up...

And brought him...


But home didn't feel like home without Grandma...

". . ."

Wilting Petals (Sunny x Basil)Where stories live. Discover now