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Hi guys.

Im so sorry that i havent updated in literally forever.

You guys for real though i have been so busy with my newer book that i forgot all about this one.

I mean i also have college classes, work, and not to mention but 2 times being sick.

I sort of lost all hope and inspiration for this book as its been a while but i know that people like this book and i just have to keep pushing.

I may not update as often as i used to or as often as i update my other book but you will still get updates.

I also just want to add that i dont actually have a posting schedule.

I just update if and when i feel like it so updates are always random.

I just wish i could push out so many chapters at a time out of this book like i do my newest.

Again i apologize that im not able to, but dont lose hope.

I dont know how im going to end this book anymore. I used to during my old updated but now i dont.

So that runs the risk of this story possibly coming to an end soon. I just dont know how.

Thank you guys for not giving up on me and i hope to see you soon ❤️

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