You (bxb)

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           ⚠️transphobia/homophobia⚠️ :(

     Noah Steele. One of my closest friends all through uni. He's so.. him. I wish that i had the courage to talk to him about my feelings. To confess my love and beg on my knees for him to love me back. Im not sure if ill know how to if i ever get the chance though.

   "Hey, Snake. You good?" Noah asked walking over to me.
   "Oh hey, yeah im okay. Are you good?"
   "Yeah." He stopped in front of me. "You know if you take a picture it lasts longer?"
   "Oh uh sorry. You were just.. you. And i just uh yeah. Sorry." I rambled on not sure how to answer.
   "Hey im just playing with ya i know you have a huge crush on me." He says it jokingly.
   "Yeah right." I laugh. I don't mean it as a joke.
   He laughed and for a bit it was quiet before he spoke again. "Hey do you want to come over tonight some of my friends are coming over and i thought i could introduce you to the few you don't know yet?"
   "Yeah sure ill come over. As long as theres pizza."
   "There's definitely gonna be pizza."

     I knock on his door at 7 pm sharp. He opens it and invites me inside.
   "Everyones downstairs playing games. Don't worry theres not too many people here." We head down to his basement and i immediately regret being involved in his social gathering. Theres beer cans everywhere. Two guys sit at the couch yelling at each other over a game of CSGO. The other three are sitting on the floor playing some inappropriate card game while wildly laughing. "Ah.. i guess it is a bit loud. Im sorry. Ill tell them to quiet down."
   "No, no. Its okay, really. Just boys being boys right?" We laughed and he pulled me over to an arm chair and sat down pulling me to sit "next" to him.
   "Sorry i don't have anywhere else to sit unless you want the ground but.. heres fine." He kinda looked nervous. In a weird, sweating profusely and acting jittery, way.
   "Hey," i grabbed his hand, "are you okay?"
He looked at me as though he wanted to say something but before his words could come out one of his friends came over and spoke. "Who's this?"
   "Oh, this is Snake! My friend i told you i was inviting."
   "Snake.. what kind of name is that?" He laughed. He was one of the ones who was playing games. Guess they were done.
   "Snake what? Whats your last name?" The other one from the couch yelled to me.
   "Uh Snake Rose."
   "Wait a minute aren't you that tranny? Your sister is Sydney Rose?"
   "Hey don't fucking call him that. That's disrespectful dude." Noah stood up for me. He hadn't known. None of the people in this room had known. And now instead of feeling like some new guy sitting in a room of men, i felt like the trans kid sitting in a room full of bullies, guys who wanted nothing to do with me and would go an extra mile to make sure i knew.
   "Its not rude if its true." The other said getting up from the couch and coming over.
   "Calvin, i swear to fucking god if you don't get out of my house right fucking now ill kick you out myself." Noah had stood up now.
   "Why are you kicking him out? Its not like he said anything wrong. He was only speaking the truth. Snake is just a tranny."
Noah stared angrily at the guy who was next to him and shoved him. "Get out." The others had stopped their game of cards but hadn't gotten up at all. "Get out Zeph. Both of you get out now."
Neither of them seemed to want trouble as they left quietly noticing they really pissed him off. It was quiet for a second before someone came to stand in front of me. "Hun, are you okay?" It was Alistair. He was looking me in the eyes with a worried mother look.
   "Yeah im okay." I stood up and gently grabbed Noahs arm. "Noah? Are you alright?"
He turned and pulled me into a hug. "Im so sorry. I didn't know they'd do that. You didn't deserve that. You deserve so much more. Im sorry." He was crying.
   "Its okay.. well not really but its okay. Its not your fault. Not everyone can be as great as you."
He let out a sad chuckle. "God i love you."
I pulled back a bit and looked him in the eyes. A smile spread across my face, "i love you too.".


Lil Peep - your favorite dress

Snake and Noah are oc's of mine from another book im writing. (I haven't gotten anywhere with that book though)

This isnt the best :)


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