Charlie's physician appointment

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Charlie McGee woke up the next morning, crying. Norma and Irv Manders came into her room.

"Another one of your nightmares about the Shop?" Irv asked.

"Y-y-yes." Charlie nervously replied.

"Let's call a physician and have an appointment set up." Norma added.

5 hours later, the appointment was set up, and Charlie went into the physician's office.

30 minutes later, a receptionist called Charlie's name, and they came into the physician's office.

"Norma Manders, please explain what is going on with Ms. McGee." Dr. James Willson said.

"Charlie has been having her night terrors for roughly the past 8 months all because of the Shop and witnessing her dad being killed by John Rainbird." Norma exclaimed. 

"I see. Charlie, what symptoms have you been experiencing?" James asked.

"I've been having recurring nightmares that put me in...that time." Charlie replied as she was continuously sweating.

"Thanks for the explanation. Mr. and Mrs. Manders, based on what Charlie said, she has PTSD, or post-traumatic stress disorder if you will." James added. 

Charlie was then taken to a nearby pharmacy, and was given a bottle of guanfacine.

"It's to help you cope with your PTSD." Irv said reassuringly.

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