Cant be fixed

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Your pov

"August , I can't do this anymore it's just to much the lies , the late nights , im almost positive I know what your doing "

"Baby what are you talking about "

"August you really don't see how your never home, always a different place when I ask where u were , your cheating on my with those dumb ass std having strippers "

"Baby listen I know I fucked up but I mean we can get through this we always do "

"No August I get through it , I'm tired of getting through it , I cry while u sit back and laugh , I get through it and u go back and fuck me over again and again and again an I am tired of being someone's toy . I'll find someone who will treat me like somebody , who calls me baby and means something , especially some one who says I love you and means it and I'll be damned if I try to get through things with your lying ass! "

"Baby please we can fix it "

"No August this can't be fixed "

"You - You can't just leave me "

Now he wants to play victim

"Leave you ! leave you ! August don't you leave me every time to go to the strip club , you leave me to have sex with those strippers , you even left my own birthday celebration to only go to God knows where , you know what why am I arguing with u knowing I'm already done "
I chuckled

I went up stairs and started to back my suit case of my belongings .

"What are you doing"

"Hunting rabbits😑 , what does it look like I'm packing my things "

"Baby please don't go I know I've done u wrong a lot and I might not seem like I care but it hurts to see you cry an knowing that I did it makes it even worse "

"August goodbye "
I said zipping up my suit case

I walked to the door but he wouldn't let me out m

"August move"
I said through gritted teeth and a fist with my free hand

"No u can't leave "

"Too fucking bad , you should've throught of that a while ago" I Said while moving past him "

I got to the front door and opend it snd the night night air hit me
I was walking out and forgot to mention something

"My brother will be back tomorrow ,,Oh by the way all you sneakers are at the bottom of the river and your clothes are burned and oh yeh I fucked your Bestfriend "

I truly didn't fuck his Bestfriend I knew it would get him mad tho

Part 2 ?

August Alsina imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now