yeonjun and gunwook (friendship)

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Requested by: ohmmybae

A small fluff about yeonjun and gunwook a week before the elimination


Narrator pov

It's been a week since the 1st elimination gunwook still felt down since his best friend yeonjun got eliminated

They would call each other the past few days as gunwook kept missing him

Today was their rest day meaning they can do what ever they want
In result gunwook immediately called yeonjun

Gunwook pov

It was our rest day I excitedly called yeonjun I missed him I wanted to hang out with him

Yeonjun :))





Yeonjun :)

Oh hi wook , do you need something?

Jun, let's hang out today since
It's a rest day

Oh sure!, Where do you want to go

To the cafe first then let's go to an arcade

Ok ok ,ill meet you there

Byee, see you

See you



Call ended

I finished the call I put my phone down and went to my suitcase and just picked a random pair of clothes the I think would look good but it didn't look right

Hwanhee went into the room and saw me picking clothes "oh what are you doing gunwook?" He said "me and yeonjun are going to hang out hyung I'm picking my clothes" I told him

"Ahh have fun also say hi to him for me" he said "will do hyung " I said
I finished picking my clothes it was a normal pair of black pants with a white top and a black jacket

I said good bye to hwanhee hyung and set off to go and meet yeonjun. After a few minutes or walking I got to the cafe seeing yeonjun I ran up to him and hugged him

"Hi wook" he greeted "hello Jun" I greet back and then sat down we decided to order now and a waitress came to us and asked what we would like

"Coffee and a croissant" yeonjun orders "Choco milkshake and strawberry cake oh wait also a sandwich 2 " I said

"How's it been?" Yeonjun asked "it was ok, I picked tomboy for the 2nd mission" I said

"Il be cheering you ok that mission!" Yeonjun smiled as he eats his cake which made me smile

"Honestly you're so popular people recognize you when we came here" he said I got embarrassed and he said "aww are you embarrassed where is your cool self " he said
Teasingly Which made me glare at him and that made him smile which got to me and I smiled

Soon he got a call and had to go " I have to go it's nice seeing you, I'll text you later bye wook" he said as he stands up and hugs me

"Byee see you"  I said ad hugged him he smiles again before he leave the cafe it made me feel less stressed when I talked to him and met him


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