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White light fills the room as members of the Order arrive. Delilah locks eyes with Remus who rushes over to her, placing his hands on her face as he inspects the cuts and grazes.

"I'm okay," Delilah says. "We need to help the others"

"So much like your father," Remus smiles.

Delilah's hands spark red as her eyes lock on the death eater holding Luna. Red smoke engulfs Delilah before the witch finds herself behind the death eater.

"Surprise," Delilah whispers before she stuns the wizard.

Luna clutches onto Delilah who pulls her down behind the rocks, shielding the girl from spells as she fires her own back. A spell comes flying for Luna causing Delilah to throw up her hand, blocking the spell as Tonks runs over.

"Take Luna," Delilah says before she begins to duel with the death eater.

Lights flash back and forth as Delilah laughs. Exhilaration filled her body as the adrenaline coursed through her veins. The witch blocks a spell before sending one back at the speed of light. The red light slams into the death eater sending him soaring back, slamming into the wall.

"Nice one James!" Sirius shouts as Harry stuns a death eater.

That impending feeling of doom fills Delilah's chest and stomach as she turns to face Bellatrix Lestrange whose mouth begins to form the fatal words of the killing curse.

Green light exits the end of the madwoman's wand, its trajectory was a direct line and did not miss its target. The spell strikes Sirius in the chest and the world stops. Delilah's eyes were locked on the man who still had a trace of a grin on his face. His eyes go unseeing despite the grin still residing on his face. The man stumbles back towards the swirling, pearlescent veil in the archway. He leans back as his face morphs to one of peace as his physical body fades away from Delilah's vision.

Something in her chest broke so violently that in the back of her mind she wondered if it was possible that the surrounding people heard it. The auburn witch hears screaming in her ears but it takes her a moment to register that the screams were her own and her brother's. The sounds tearing from Delilah's throat were ones of pure agony.

Cedric's arms wrap around her waist as she screams for Sirius. Tears fill the eyes of the members of the order and Dumbledore's army as the two Potter siblings scream as they watch one of the very few family members they had left die before their very eyes. Delilah fights against the arms that were restraining her as a stabbing pain fills her chest. Tears were streaming down her face, she felt unable to stop them. Her screams had faded, her throat no longer able to produce the noise required.

Upon escaping the arms that held onto her, Delilah dropped to her knees as a wail escapes her lips. Red ripples of magic exude from her body, launching everyone in the vicinity back as the ceiling around them begins to crumble.

The death eaters in the room appeared to suffer more than the order members and Hogwarts students. They were clawing at their faces as they howl in pain, blood pouring from their eyes, mouths, noses and ears. It was as if their blood was boiling as it poured from their body.

Delilah's eyes lock onto the archway. The pearlescent swirls turn red before the stone explodes, sending rubble flying in all directions.


Delilah's hands come up to cover her ears as the wail continues escaping her mouth. Her eyes open to see everyone on their knees in agony as they try to protect themselves from the scream that is shaking the room.


The scream trails off in Delilah's throat as she stares at her friends and allies in horror. She takes a step back as they attempt to approach her. All of their ears were leaking blood, much like the boggart had shown her.

Her eyes move to the death eaters whose faces were covered with blood and some of them were almost unrecognisable. Her eyes move to one of them who looked like they had taken a meat cleaver to the head which had sliced cleanly through.

"Delilah it's okay," Remus says, reaching his hand out to the younger witch who shrinks back.

"I'm sorry," Delilah whispers. "I-"

Delilah takes another step back before she disappears with a crack. Remus was too slow to grab onto the witch, his hand clenching around thin air.

Delilah lands in Grimmauld Place and knows it's a waiting game so she makes herself comfortable at the head of the dining table, her feet propped up on the table as she toys with an antique dagger. She knew Albus Dumbledore would make an appearance. Especially after the display of power she had put on in the Department of Mysteries.

The flames of the hearth turn green and the grey-bearded wizard steps out of the fire, his face was emotionless as he stares at the witch who had her feet propped up on the table, a dagger in her hand.

The flames of the hearth turn green and the grey-bearded wizard steps out of the fire, his face was emotionless as he stares at the witch who had her feet propped up on the table, a dagger in her hand

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"I wondered when you'd make an appearance," Delilah's tone was cold as she observes the man in front of her. "You're so predictable Albus. There's only one thing you follow and that's power"

"Miss Potter I must offer my condolences on the loss of Sir-"

"You don't get to say his name," Delilah seethes. "You have no right to say anyone who has died for your cause's name. You have blood on your hands Albus and it's blood you can never get off"

"I must warn you, Miss Potter, tread carefully,"

"You don't give warnings here," Delilah's tone was still calm, something more terrifying than if she was shouting. "Warnings are meaningless. But here's something for you to mull over. If you ever, and I mean ever, put my brother in danger again Voldemort will be the least of your problems. I will personally kill you myself and you will beg me for the killing curse to end your suffering"

"Is that a threat Miss Potter?"

"No, it's something far more dangerous," Delilah's grin was almost psychotic as she stares at the wizard. "It's a promise"

 "It's a promise"

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