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Delilah enters the Great Hall for breakfast and all that she could see was a sea of Daily Prophet newspapers. Draco is quick to approach her, handing the witch his copy of the newspaper.

"Has he finally made a move?" Delilah asks the Malfoy boy who nods.

The auburn-haired witch and the platinum-blonde wizard are quick to retreat from the Great Hall as Delilah's eye flit over the contents of the article. The duo head up to the seventh floor and sit in the quiet corridor as they read the article, passing a joint between them. Every few minutes, Draco would wave his wand and the smell would be pulled from the air, hiding their activities that would definitely get them a lifetime of detentions with Umbridge.

By Rita Skeeter

Last night, ten of the most vicious death eaters managed to escape Azkaban Prison. The ten escapees were believed to have been aided by notorious mass murderer Sirius Black who escaped a mere few years ago. 

The escapees and some of their more infamous crimes are described below:

The Lestrange Trio all of whom were involved in the torture of the Longbottom Aurors who sadly now spend all of their days in St Mungo's. Augustus Rookwood, a spy from within the Ministry itself, who was outed by Igor Karkaroff to receive leniency for his own crimes. Antonin Dolohov who brutally murdered Fabian and Gideon Prewett along with four accomplices. Thomas Travers who had a hand in slaughtering the entire McKinnon family and was subsequently arrested for such. 

Four other known death eaters have escaped with charges against them such as the torture and murder of witches, wizards and muggles. 

Quote from Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic below:

"We find ourselves, most unfortunately, in the same position we were in two and a half years ago when the murderer Sirius Black escaped. Nor do we think the two breakouts are unrelated. An escape of this magnitude suggests outside help, and we must remember that Black, as the first person ever to break out of Azkaban, would be ideally placed to help others follow in his footsteps. We think it likely that these individuals, who include Black's cousin, Bellatrix Lestrange, have rallied around Black as their leader. We are, however, doing all we can to round up the criminals and beg the magical community to remain alert and cautious. On no account should any of these individuals be approached."

"He finally made a move," Delilah whispers as she continues reading the article. "And a big one at that"

"Why now?" Draco asks, flicking the end of the joint out the window.

"Because of Fudge," Delilah replies. "He's so vehemently denied Voldemort's return that any move played by Voldemort will lead to a scapegoat which in this case is-"

"Sirius," Draco finishes. 

"Well, I can tell you one thing that I don't need Banshee powers for," Delilah tosses the newspaper on the floor. 

"And that is?"

"Fudge may want to start packing up his office because he's not going to be sitting in that chair for much longer," Delilah stares at the moving picture of the minister. 

"Detention Miss Potter!"

Delilah and Draco's eyes move to where a violent burst of pink was standing at the end of the corridor. The woman had a sickly, sweet smile on her face as the two teenagers glare at her. 

"For what?" Delilah gets to her feet, an agreed scowl plastered on her face.

Students had begun to crowd the corridor as the most feared female in Hogwarts faced off with the most hated Professor in the castle. There were even Professors standing in the background, watching the events before them unfold with no intention of stopping the Potter girl. 

"Attempting to besmirch the good name of the Minister," 

"Well I have news for you, Delores," Delilah sneers. "You don't yet have an educational decree surrounding people's opinions so I can say what I like to whom I like and there is nothing you or anyone can do about it"


"Another what?" Delilah scoffs. "Another detention? Go ahead, and add them all up. So what? You'll be gone before the year is out anyway"

"Is that a threat Miss Potter?"

"I'm stating facts," Delilah replies. "There's a curse on your job Professor, why do you think they were so eager to give it to you? I'm just hoping that there'll be another death at the end of this year"

"My office, six pm sharp,"

"Here's a word you've probably never heard in your miserable life," Delilah begins. "No"

"Miss Potter, you will regret this, I promise you,"

"You're a sad, lonely old woman whose only friends are cats that reside in plates. Let's not even start on your unhealthy obsession with the Minister, does he know about your little crush on him?"

"Miss Potter-"

"Come on Draco," Delilah says to the boy who is quick to scramble to his feet. "I would say it's been a pleasant conversation Professor but I'm not going to insult either of us by lying"

The pair walk down the corridor as the younger students begin to cheer for Delilah. The witch of the hour paid them no mind and was not against shoving them out of her way as she exits the corridor. 


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