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Casts of Lavinia:

Alessandro Marino:
Capo of Italian mafia. Son of Alexander Marino and Evelyn Rose Mario. He's 45 years old.Husband of Isabella Fabio Marino and father of 5 handsome sons and 1 gorgeous daughter. Met Isabella at an annual mafia ball and fell for her, and later got married to her. (And maybe Lavinia is his favourite child; don't tell the boys). All his sons are mama's boy so he hopes that his daughter be a daddy's princess.

 All his sons are mama's boy so he hopes that his daughter be a daddy's princess

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Isabella Fabio Marino:
Donna of Italian mafia. Princess of roman mafia. She's 39 years old.Have an obsessive husband who doesn't think twice before gauging eyes of those who look at her more than 5 sec. And have equally obsessive sons , who are bat-shit crazy for their mother and sister. Love her childrens the most.(even more than her husband;🤫) and a big no gym girl.

Aziel  Kane Marino:Hier of Italian mafia

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Aziel  Kane Marino:
Hier of Italian mafia. The oldest son of  Alessandro and Isabella. He is 20 years old. He absolutely hate when his father stick around his mother doing PDA, but Alessandro's only response " if we weren't doing PDA , then you won't exist" and that shut him up. Anyway hate/love his younger brothers but there's a favourite (everyone already know right? Right!) and it's  LAVINIA . such an obvious question.  So yeah , he's our fitness freak princes and try to make Lavinia  too but she's just like her mother, no gym girl.

  So yeah , he's our fitness freak princes and try to make Lavinia  too but she's just like her mother, no gym girl

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