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Augustus laughed nervously knowing he had messed up big this time. So he thought to save his ass by diverting the attention away from him.

He gasped and said

"Have you all met my little niece ?"

The ladies gasped and looked towards enrico who was just on his way to enter  the door sneakily with Lavinia in his arms. He thought to spend some time with his grand daughter , just him and his princess.

And when he saw the whole attention was  on his son , he thought to take advantage of the opportunity and tried to sneak away with her but his foolish son used his princess as a bait. Oh dear Augustus, you don't know what trouble you had land yourself onto. He smirked evilly at Augustus , who gulped when he realised what he had done in the heat of the moment.

He tried to jump from one trouble only to land on the monsters lair . Oh he's so gone.

While Isabella on seeing Lavinia on Enrico's arms ,  ran  towards him and started checking for any potential signs of harm on her little delicate body.

Alessandro:- don't worry darling , nothing happened to Lavinia , she is safe.

Lucifer and marcello cringed at the word darling. Sounds poison to their ears. Isabella nodded and take her from enrico who grumbled under his breath but she ignored him for now and solely focused on her princess.

She kissed her face and held her close to her chest and relish the feel of her soft delicate body against her after so much time.

She kissed her face and held her close to her chest and relish the feel of her soft delicate body against her after so much time

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Lavinia mewled, basking in her mother's warm embrace. She cutely started sucking Isabella's neck, Isabella understand her gesture and take her to feed her.

Everyone pouted at her. They too want to spend time with her , specially fabios as they haven't even  properly saw her.

After some bickering and Augustus receiving murderous glares from his father , They all went to the family living room but the view in front of them shocked them, they all turned towards the culprits who just grinned and said

"If not we , then who else "

"If not we , then who else "

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