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Author's P.O.V:

It was half past 2 when they had reached Marino Mansion. When they entered inside , they saw all the elders were sitting there, their faces etched with worry. Among them, Dorothea was the first one to notice them.

She sat up and hurriedly went to them and asked

" how's lavi? Is she alright? What did the doctors say? And why she isn't with you all? Why the heck aren't any one of you saying anything!!"

She began to hyperventilate, lucifer rushed towards his mother when he saw she was close to panic attack.
"Mom calm down!! You're going to make yourself sick!!"

He held her by her shoulders. She just nodded and looked at Isabella for answers. Isabella was looking down the whole time. She was lost in her own thoughts. The guilt was eating her alive. Her mistakes which may cost her , her daughter's life.

If only she wasn't neglectful, then the situations may have been better. Maybe they would have found about it a little earlier. Mayb- Dorothea shakes her shoulders after getting no response from her daughter.

"Are you fucking going to say something or gonna stand like a dumb fuck your whole life!!!!"  Dorothea snapped at her, her patience finally waring out. Everyone flinched cause Dorothea never curse. Isabella's head shot up as if in whatever trance she was had finally breaked.

"M-mom Lav-i , sh-e  have CHD, ale-s is with her now. She was under-observation for n-now" she somehow managed to let it out. But by seeing their confused faces, she knows they didn't get it.

Adriano heaved a deep sigh and told them everything the doctor had said to Alessandro. They all gasped. Unable to believe what just adriano told them.
Dorothea's legs gave out, lucifer hurriedly hold her before she could hurt herself.
"MOM!!! are you ok. Sit here." Lucifer and adriano help her sat on couch and handed her water.
Dorothea looked at their tearful faces and took a deep breath, to not burst into tears. She has to be strong for her family . She geatured Isabella to come closer and Isabella unable to control herself run to her mother and cried in her warm embrace.
"Shh shh my child. It's alright. Nothing will happen to our lavi. She's a fighter just like her parents. You can't give up my child. Your children need you. They need their strong mother. It's not the time to let your emotions have their way, you have to fight my child, for lavi? Yes?" 

Isabella just nodded at her. Everyone wiped their eyes seeing the emotional moment.

"Where are the children ?" After composing herself , she asked about the whereabouts of the rest of her children.

"Slept. They all were trying to stay awake , waiting for you all but the tiredness gets the best of them. Though Alex was resisting the sleep but finally gave in". Olivia answered.

"Shall I ask the maids the serve the dinner, you all must be hungry?" Alessia asked.

They denied. Their appetite was long gone. But Dorothea forced them to eat something, saying tomorrow's gonna be tiring, they need energy. Finally they all have to gave in. No one wins against Dorothea and her word play.

Though it was hard to keep the food down their throat but Dorothea's one glare was enough to make them gulp  whole food.

After dinner , everyone retired to their room. Isabella too walked towards her room but thought to check on the children first.

She reached Aziel's room and slowly opened it but frowned when she sees it empty, she went to bathroom and knocked to check if aziel was there but bathroom was empty too.

Then rushed to Rowan's and Luca's room but just like aziel's they were empty too. She run down the hall towards Kian and Alex's room but found it empty.

Her subconscious made horrifying scenarios. What if something happens to them? Where are they? No no no!! Nothing should happen to them!! Isabella thinks she won't be able to handle if something happens to her other children too, she had somehow survived lavinia's but now no more!!

She shouted for her family members. Everyone when they heard Isabella's scream, they rushed towards her and asked that if something had happened to Lavinia?? She shook her head and told them the rest of the kids are missing. Everyone frowned and rushed to check the mansion. They all divided and checked the nooks and corner of the Marino mansion.

After an hour , they all gathered in the hall. They asked each other if they found them? On their negative response, Isabella broke down in tears and collapsed on her knees.

"Hey have anyone checked Lavinia's nursery?"   Damien asked. Their head snapped towards him and suddenly realisation dawned upon them. In all hustle bustle, they had forgot to check lavinia's nursery.

They rushed towards her nursery. They all rushed inside but the in front of them made them so emotional and filled them with relief and tears.

There was their children on lavinia's bed, Hugging each other and somehow managed to wrap themselves in lavinia's mini pink blanket. Aziel was lying in the foot of the bed hugging lavinia's rabbit toy which has her smell.

They all were holding some of the Lavinia's item which has her smell.

They all heaved a sigh of relief on seeing the children safe. They all quietly leave the room after the children's head and slowly closed the door as to not wake the children's up.

Then they all retired to their room. Today was more than tough for them. They don't have the energy to handle anymore problem.

In the morning:-

They all were rushing her and there to get ready quick I so they can leave to meet Lavinia. They all were fighting each other on will go there and who will stay with the children.

Children were making a chaos because they all want to meet their baby sister but so much people at the hospital will make Lavinia even more anxious.

Finally having enough of their bickering , Dorothea ordered Augustus, rose, lucifer and alessia to come with her to the hospital and Ofcourse Isabella while adriano , Olivia , Damien and Eloise will look after the children. They all grumble except the lucky ones but it's Dorothea we are talking about.

She ignored them and ordered them to fulfill their current task in hand that is to be a babysitter.

They were all ready when suddenly Augustus get a call and his face paled, he told the others about it and they quickly left for the hospital.

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