Never Letting You Go

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Grace POV - I stood next to father as he began to weep trying my best to comfort him rubbing his back

Zhongli POV - I sat on the couch leaning over looking at the floor feeling sick to my stomach. "I slapped (Y/N) how could I've done such a horrendous thing" looking at my hands they were puffy and swollen under my gloves

Zhongli - I'm going to go see your mother *Whispers* we are going to have a long discussion on some things

Grace - *Frowns* what are you going to say?

Zhongli - *Sigh* Just stay here for a moment

Grace - ....

Zhongli POV - Getting up from the couch I slowly made my way to the stairs feeling my shoulders slump before walking up them. "I'm sorry (Y/N) I'm so sorry for slapping you for making you feel like you aren't good enough for this family" Soon I've gotten to the top of the stairs before heading in our bedroom.

Zhongli - Honey can we talk? I've wanted to apologize for my behavior I deeply regret what I've done I-

Zhongli POV - Looking around I've noticed the room was empty my heart immediately began to race looking around.

Zhongli - (Y/N)? *Looks around* Baby?!
Male Reader POV - I sat in the fields gently dipping my toes in the water feeling the blades of grass wrap around my fingers sniffling.


Male Reader POV - Gently rubbing my cheek I sighed sadly as more tears formed feeling the warm stinging sensation. "Zhongli slapped me but it was an accident he didn't mean to hurt me right?" A sudden gust of wind blew around my bangs almost like it was trying to dry my eyes as the water suddenly became pleasantly warm on my feet.

Male Reader - Osial I know what Zhongli did was terrible and I've gotten mad at him but I still wanted to be with him...I hope you forgive me for being selfish


Male Reader POV - I felt stupid talking to a creature that wasn't even around anymore. Looking down a sudden tear dripped off my nose into the water wrapping my arms around myself.

Male Reader - For some reason being here brings me comfort I've noticed I  have been coming here everytime I'm upset *Sad smiles* Osial I wish you weren't dead you've should have gotten another chance at life you were meant for so much more than destruction and chaos


Male Reader - *Sniffles* I still remember making you homemade cookies from the last Lantern Rite maybe-maybe I'll make more for you one day


Male Reader POV - After a few more minutes have passed I've begun to grip the grass between my fingers

Male Reader - Osial what would you do if-if you didn't think you belonged? If you thought you'd make things more complicated regardless of people saying they love you no matter what? Would it be selfish to stay?

Male Reader POV - The Wind blew again as I looked up at the sky gently biting my tongue. Maybe it would be best if I left it would do everyone some good right? I'm just a nuisance afterall.
Zhongli POV - I ran around the house looking around frantically my heart began to beat fast panting heavily

Zhongli - Darling?! Where are you!?

Grace - Mom!? Mom! *Looks around*

Grace POV - Once we found out mother was gone we both looked around the house seeing how pale father looked. "She was his world she meant everything to him and she just disappeared!" It was my fault the way I've been talking I've made her feel unimportant...for me to say such disgusting things I didn't know what came over me.
Male Reader POV - After giving it much thought I took a deep breath sighing heavily.

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