Closer by chance

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"Where is this place ?"Jin asked as the road took them along a beach they could see surfers out on the waves
"We have a villa right on the beach." RM said smiling.
"Wow,I love America!" Tae said.
The group had performed on an American tv show, the host was someone they knew and they had enjoyed themselves. Now they had ten days to enjoy themselves.
Jimin suddenly leaned across Hobi and Tae,his ass poking up something Jungkook became acutely aware off.
"Look there's a massive house over there could that be it?"
"You sound excited Jiminee."
"Of course I am I love the beach,"
He wriggled back to his seat,jungkook sighed,Jibooty wasn't on view anymore.
"Hey Kook why the big sigh?" Jin asked.
"Oh er, will be good to get out and stretch our legs..." he lied.
They got to the house via its own long road, all the group scrambled out looking around. Once inside they were told that there were six bedrooms and that two of them were sharing but the room to be shared had a sitting area and balcony.also those two decided what rooms the others got.
"So how do we decide who shares," Suga asked
They were told that there were seven bits of paper and two had share on while the other had single.
"Whose going first then?" RM said.
Again they were told to go in age order pick the paper and all open at once.,
Jungkook wished hard,
"Right on three 1-2-3!"Rm said.
They all opened their papers.
"Yes!" Jin said getting a single on his.
"I'm single"Rm sighed relieved
"I'm sharing..." Jimin said.
"Yes!" Jungkook said.
"Well who got the other sharing?" Tae asked
"Me "Jungkook said smiling.
"But you sound happy about it?" Jimin said confused.
"Well of course I am Jiminee, you stay up as late as me and.......,we get to choose their rooms!"
Jimin grinned," ok you lot stay here while Kookie and I explore the other rooms.
They rushed up the stairs,searching out the other rooms.
Opening one door they both said"Jin".
It was pink,everywhere and had an ocean view. The next room was done in bold colours and modern furniture.
The third room had a fairly plain room with nature pictures.
"Rm," Jungkook said.
The last two rooms faced the front,fairly identical the main difference was the bathrooms one was in grey the other a green and gold.
"Grey is more Yoongi, the other is more Hobi flamboyant ." Jimin suggested.
Jungkook nodded then went outside to yell down to his friends to come up.
Once there Jimin and Jungkook showed them their rooms.
Jimin went downstairs to get his suitcase and Jungkook followed. He raced ahead of Jimin upstairs eager to see their room. He realised after a few minutes Jimin still hadn't come in so went back to look
for him only to find him struggling up the stairs with his case.
"Let me Jimin..," he picked the case up as if it were a feather and rushed back up the rest of the stairs.
Jimin eventually got to the room he looked around and gasped it was lovely but, we'll he'd presumed it would have two beds not a super king size bed.
Jungkook threw himself in the bed.
"Ah this is so comfy,"
"Well I'll take the couch then...."
"Don't be silly ....there's plenty of room,or don't you trust yourself next to this handsome maknae? Jungkook wiggled his brows suggestively making Jimin laugh.
"Ok but don't whine if I sprawl in starfish fashion in the night!"
Jungkook laughed while part of him hoped Jimin would just sprawl across him.
"I'm going to unpack," Jungkook said
"Ok I will soon I'm just going to look around,"
Jimin dashed down the stairs and went outside, the sun was warm he was in shorts already and T shirt so he decided to go down to the beach.
Taking the steps down he slipped his shoes off stepping onto the sand he looked back to see if anyone else was coming down but from here it was difficult to see the house. Shrugging he slowly walked along.
Jungkook had unpacked, he changed into swim shorts and a vest top. He'd noticed the pool here so he had a choice sea or pool. He went down to see what the others were doing.
"Hey Jungkook shall we have barbecue? There's a massive outdoor one!"
"Sure, where's everyone else?"
Namjoons checking bikes out in the garage, Tae and Hobi are using hammocks, Suga is in the sitting room reading and Jimin....., actually I'm not sure where Jimin is...."
"Ok,I think I'll swim then come help you set up the barbecue."
"Great, enjoy your swim."
Taking a towel outside he looked around, he couldn't see Jimin anywhere, he went back in the house calling him but no response came. Had he gone to the beach?
He got to the steps leading down, the tide was rolling in. He glanced along the sand but couldn't see a small figure.
He didn't bother looking in the ocean as although Jimin liked the beach he was not a particularly strong swimmer so wouldn't go in alone.
He stared along the beach again about to go back to the pool when a splash of colour caught his eye.
At the curve of the beach there were a crop of rocks the sea rushing around them.A small figure hunched down on the rocks as water rolled over them, how had Jimin got there?
Jungkook ran along the beach til he neared the rocks .
"J-i-m-i-n!" He yelled.
The small figure lifted his head from his knees and Jungkook could see relief and fear there. A large wave washed over the rocks and Jimin slid screaming in fear grabbing onto the rock and pulling himself back.
"Jimin hold on I'm coming,"
Jungkook ignored him and dived into the water his strong arms quickly propelling him to the outcrop. He hauled himself up and went to Jimin.
"Kookie you shouldn't have....!"
"Well I'm not going to leave you here am I ? How on earth did you get here?"
"I was walking this wasn't covered at all so I walked around the corner and sat watching the seagulls then I made my way back but the tide started coming in and I couldn't go back or forward...."
"Come on, I'll swim back with you."
"No-no-no I can't !"
Jungkook could see Jimin was terrified, just then a wave hit them both, jungkook grabbed Jimin to him holding the slight figure safe. He could feel Jimins whole body shaking.
"Jimin we are going to have to move or we will be washed off here."
Jimin stared up at the maknae then looked around biting his lip he nodded.
Jungkook let go of him turning him to face the sea,
"I'll swim right next to you ok, we cut across there it's shorter,so then.....JIMIN!!!!"
Jimin had lost his footing just as a wave came over sending him flying into the sea. Jungkooks eyes darted around waiting for him to emerge.
Suddenly two flailing arms appeared and a choking head. Immediately Jungkook dived in swimming strongly.
Jimin gasped, water had gone down his throat , he felt totally disorientated, his legs felt heavy and he struggled to stay afloat disappearing under the water again.
So this was it? The last of Park Jimin.....he'd never see his family and friends, he'd never had sex, he never got to kiss his crush..... his head felt fuzzy and he gave in.
Jungkook hauled Jimin onto the beach and begun compressions on him.
"Don't you dare Park Jimin don't you fucking dare."
Pressing on the others chest he was frantic, he heard his name in the distance then soon feet pounded up the beach.
"Fuck,Jimin....,Jungkook!!!" Namjoons voice yelled
"Oh hell no!!!!" Tae screamed
Jungkook ignored them he decided to breathe into Jimins mouth, tilting his head back he puffed air into Jimin then carried on compressions.
"No not Jimin!!!" Tae cried
Jungkook bent down again puffing air into the other, suddenly a cough and splutter had Jungkook leaning back tipping Jimin on his side as water sprayed from his mouth.
"Ahhhhhhh" Jimin breathed
"Jimin Omg I thought you were dead!!" Tae said crying
Namjoon had his head sunk into his hands relief evident .
"I'm sorry to worry you all..." Jimin croaked
"What were you thinking Jimin you know your not a strong swimmer yet you went in the sea?are you stupid?"RM ranted
"Hyung stop..." Jungkook said feeling Jimin shiver.
"No..., he's right,I-I'm stupid...." Jimin struggled to stand up,"thank you Kookie....s-sorry everyone." Jimin walked forward on wobbly legs, Tae ran to help him.
"Really hyung he nearly drowned and you shout at him? He didn't swim deliberately he was exploring the tide came in as he made his way back and he got stuck on the rocks then washed into the sea!!"
"Oh shit..."
RM hurried towards the small male who had difficulty walking, Jungkook too saw Jimin falter and bend over water spewing out his mouth.
He went and easily picked Jimin up.
"Kookie!!" Jimin squealed in surprise
"Hush we need to get you changed and checked over,"
Jimin didn't argue he rested his head on the others shoulder enjoying the way Jungkook didn't even seem out of breath carrying him.
Jungkook got to the house the others immediately ran over in concern.
"Wtf!!" Jin shouted
"RM can explain I will get Jimin showered can you get the agency to send a doc?"
Jungkook went straight into their room to the bathroom, standing Jimin up on his wobbly legs.
"Ok undress and shower ok?"
Jimin nodded but just stood there.
Jimin raised his arms trying unsuccessfully to undress, he looked up crying and Jungkook sighed.
"Ok we will shower together, no harm,"
He stripped off and then took off Jimins top and shorts hesitating at Jimins boxers.
"It's ok Kookie I know you don't mean anything," he tugged his wet boxers and Jungkook hauled them the rest of the way off. Trying to avert his eyes.
Turning the shower on he pushed Jimin under the warm spray. Jimin gasped and put his hand on the wall to stop his shaky legs, next thing he knew was a strong arm held his waist while the other rubbed shampoo into his hair.
Jungkook rinsed Jimin then  asked if he wanted help washing.
"N-no I'll do it you wash yourself,"
Jimin stepped out the shower grabbing a towel and rubbing his hair then drying himself off before disappearing into the bedroom and dressing quickly. And flopping back on the bed. A knock sounded and  jungkook who had a towel wrapped around his waist went and answered seeing Jin and a man there.
"Oh Kookie Dr smith will check Jimin over,"
Jungkook nodded letting them in.
He grabbed some clothes and disappeared into the bathroom. .
Five minutes later and he was dressed and his hair
done, he walked back in the room as the doctor was talking to Jimin.
"You will be okay take it easy, your tired have a nap,"
The he turned to Jin and Jungkook,
"Just keep an eye on him but he should be ok."'
They nodded and walked the doctor out,
"I'll stay with him," Jungkook said while Jin nodded escorting the doctor.
Jungkook closed the door and turned smiling when he saw Jimin curled on his side sound asleep.
He stood near the bed admiring the face he could see.
If Jimin knew how hard it was for Jungkook not to spring Kookie junior on him in the shower he may not sleep so peacefully!
Jimin started mumbling in his sleep, Jungkook caught the words'cat''hero''Kookie '.
He grinned by chance he'd got closer but he definitely didn't want something like that to happen again. So Jimin was thinking of him in his sleep eh? But what the heck did a cat have to do with anything????

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