Chapter 6: Brushing your hair over your ear

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"Sure," his reply was simple enough but you could tell his heart was racing too, as his eyes glistened in a mixture of fear and want when he looked at you.

He opened the door to his room for you and you peered into the unexplored territory. The smell was lovely, fresh and citrusy with the hint of spice. Perfectly Ethan.

He flicked on the light switch as you looked around. His bed was surprisingly made neatly, which was more than you could say about your own bed. His sheets and comforter were a neutral dark grey, the walls a much lighter shade. You notice movie and video game posters ranging from The Last of Us to Bladerunner. You look around at them all, eyes settling on the same pulp fiction poster that was displayed in your room. You grin widely pointing an index finger playfully.

"I recognize that one, did you steal it while I was taking a shower?"

He looked down at you excitedly that you made the connection "maybe."

He had a desk with a computer, a few funko pops and of course more dvds. His closet was arranged neatly, that of someone who tried hard to be organised.

You sat on his bed taking it all in "well, you must be a good roommate if you keep your room this tidy."

"I try to be. Drill sergeant parents." He folded his arms brushing his thumb over his lips as he looked down at you.

"That's a good asset," your eyes trail over his dresser which holds a record player "oh my god," you gasp "can we listen?"

"Yeah sure," clearly he was more than a little excited with how much interest you showed in his hobbies and life. It pained you to realise how little recognition he must've gotten especially from family but you tried to focus on how happy he was here right now.

He grabbed a large square envelope and while you haven't listened to many records before, you knew exactly what it was. He took the large disc out and it shone as it reflected the room light. He placed it down, gently moving the needle point to the record. As the crisp music played over the speaker it wasn't too loud but you could hear every beat, every sound of the song.

He let the record play as he sat next to you, a smile plastered on his face as he asked "how do you like it?"

"It's amazing," you look up at him painfully aware of the distance between you. He was less than a foot away, as your knees almost touched, but it was too far.

You leaned towards him with a sly smile staring into his eyes. A question that you couldn't put to words. A question he answered by moving closer to you, tilting his head toward you as the music played. Your lips barely brushed each other, but as they did you gasped at the electricity from it. Curiously you press your lips to his, sparks meet together creating a flame of desire. His mouth was soft and inviting for you as you kissed, almost making you dizzy from the contact. He moved his hand to cup your face, cool against your warm cheek as he kissed you again, deeper this time.

Your hands moved to the back of his head, running your fingers through his hair. You wanted him so badly, to desperately close the space between you. Your lust takes over as you climb into his lap, dark eyes widening as you straddle his legs with yours. You move his hands to your waist guiding him along just below the fabric of your shirt. He takes over quickly, gliding his coarse fingertips against your bare skin making your thighs squirm.

You delve into his mouth, tongue licking at his lips. His tongue happily meets yours in a sweet embrace that was so inherently Ethan. Shy and inexperienced but eager and filled with passion. Before long you feel the bulge in his jeans press against your skirt, exactly where your crotch is.

The Love Interest (Ethan Landry x female!Reader 18+)Where stories live. Discover now