chapter 2

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Caitlin: Well, let's just say It was hard staying out of trouble, but I managed it. I did ask him for a small punishment this morning when I was in New Orleans. I did say please, and thank you. Before and after. He punished me 4 days ago.

Zayn:Why, what did you do?

Caitlin: I swore at him and shouted at him. I said no.

Zayn: Oh, how did he punish you

Caitlin: he spanked me with his hand, hair brush, wooden spoon, his belt. He also pinched me as well. He then spread my crimson red cheeks apart and pushed ginger root between my butt cheeks, and it burned. He made me sit on a wooden chair with the ginger root between my butt cheeks for two hours. He also made me take my jeans and underwear off.

Zayn: Why did he pinch you?

Caitlin: I was swearing for him to stop.

Zayn: Come on, Caitlin, let's go punish Liam.

Caitlin's POV: Zayn and I got up, and he carried me upstairs, and we got into his room and put me down. Zayn and I sit on Zayn's bed.

Zayn: Liam gets over here now.

Liam's POV: I walked over to Zayn and saw Caitlin. He pulls me onto his knee.

Zayn: Caitlin, be a good girl and grab me one of my belts from my closet. If you argue, I will punish you after Liam.

Caitlin's POV: I got up and walked over to Zayn's closet and grabbed one of his belts, and walked over to him. I pass him the belt. I sit down next to Zayn.

Zayn's POV: I positioned his bum more up.

Zayn: Can you lift your hips so I can take your pants and boxers down?

Liam's POV: I move my hips up, and he pulls my pants and boxers down. I was so embarrassed that Caitlin had to watch this.

Zayn: I'm going to do 25 with my hand and 25 with my belt. Caitlin will then do the same, Liam. If you think about arguing. I can make Caitlin double it.

Liam: Ok, Zayn.

Caitlin: Zayn, before we start, can I warm him up for you, please?

Zayn: Of course, you can, and thank you for saying please. I guess if you keep up this good behaviour. The boys and I won't have to punish you that much. Liam, can you move to Caitlin's knee?

Liam's POV: I got up and walked over to Caitlin. She pulled me over her knee.

Caitlin's POV: Once Liam walked over to me. I pulled him over my knee.

Caitlin: I will do 25 with my hand, ok Liam?

Liam's POV: I nod

Caitlin's POV: I raise my hand and smack him hard

Liam: Ow

Caitlin: Don't complain. I didn't complain that my dad punished me.

Caitlin's POV: I smack him again

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

Caitlin's POV: Zayn passed me his belt, and I bent it in half and smacked Liam with it. I did the centre.

Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack Smack

Caitlin's POV: Once I finished, I put the belt down, and Liam got off my knee. He got over Zayn's knee again.

Caitlin Mae Jonas (Kol Mikaelson love story/spanking story)Where stories live. Discover now