chapter 3

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Zayn: Girl, Liam is right. You can spank hard.

Caitlin: *Looks down*

Zayn's POV: I got up and pulled my jeans back up carefully. I see Caitlin looking down. I gently lift her chin and smile.

Zayn: Caitlin, you don't need to be ashamed. It just means we won't go easy on you if we have to punish you. Now, let's go through the rules.

Caitlin: Ok, what are the rules?

Kevin: The rules are:

1. No sneaking out

2. No swearing

3. No running in the house

4. No yelling or shouting

5. don't lie to us

6: No hitting.

7. No answering back

8. Do what you are told

9. Do your chores - like making your bed.

10. Rule 10 is you have to eat all your food.

11. Rule 11: Get good grades and do your homework.

12. You aren't allowed in any of our rooms without permission

13. That includes the office you aren't allowed in the office without permission.

14. If you break any of the rules, they will be punishments

Liam: The punishments are groundings, electronics taking away, corner time, and spankings.

Caitlin: Your rules are the same as the rules my stepfather had.

Kevin: Now that we have the rules out of the way. So the room arrangements. So Joe and I share a room
Nick and has his own room
Louis and Harry share

Liam, you don't need to share with anyone.

So, Caitlin, you can either share with Niall or Zayn or have your room.

Caitlin: Can I share with Zayn? If you don't mind, Zayn. And then I have my room.

Zayn: No, of course, I don't mind. Let me go get your things. And of course, you can have your room. Tomorrow we will go shopping for decorations for your room and paints

Caitlin: Ok, and thank you, Zayn.

Zayn: You are so polite, Caitlin. I hope I and the boys don't have to punish you.

Caitlin: If you do punish me, I won't complain, and if you tell me to come to you and have my punishment, I won't answer back, and I will do what I am told.

Kevin: Caitlin, I'm so impressed with you. Normally, I wouldn't say this, but I hope we never have to punish you. If you mess up. You will only be grounded. And trust me, you don't want to see Zayn and me mad. Caitlin, once you are unpacked. You can spank me and the boys.

Liam: You don't need to do me 'cause you already did it. So if you want I can help you.

Caitlin: Thank you, Liam.

Liam: it is fine.

Zayn's POV: I got up and went downstairs and grabbed Caitlin's things. I went back upstairs and went into mine and Caitlin's room and put Caitlin's things down.

Zayn: Boys, all of your rooms. Once Caitlin has unpacked, I will send her and Liam to each other in your room.

Caitlin: I can't punish you for making fun of me. I know I punished Liam, but that was different.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09 ⏰

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