Withered and dead

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Ango obviously recognised the voice and his eyes widened as he gripped harder onto his bag handle.

"Shouldn't you be in jail?" The raven haired kept his composure, striving to sound calm and collected.

"Well, a rat helped me." The opposite said. Ango was beyond shocked. He sucked in a deep breath in and continued, "Tachihara Michizou, what do you need from me?"

The other line chuckled, "Your ability."

"I don't remember telling you that you could use me whenever you want. That one time was because of a special offer."

"What if I tell you I can bomb both port mafia and ADA together? That will be dreadful won't it..."

"Please stop your nonsense. They have ability users and are under my protection. How would you easily bomb both the agencies?"

"As you know, I am highly capable of doing that. I'm not alone after all."

Ango hesitated as the mechanics in his brain started to turn. He wasn't sure whether what Tachihara said was true or not. He didn't know how many people were cooperating with him too. The rat Tachiahra probably said was regarding Fyodor. So many people risked their lives to protect Yokohama. If they kill the two most important and strong agencies which were in charge of protecting Yokohama,

"Why do you need my ability for anyways?"

"Confidential. Come to the location I'm going to send you ALONE and you'll know."

With that, Tachihara hung up and it was deafening silence before a notification popped up on Ango's screen. The raven haired sighed when he saw the location. Of course they'll give him a location in the middle of no where.

He searched through his contacts to find reinforcements before he stopped himself. He couldn't risk it, he had to go alone. Knowing Fyodor, he may have everywhere, so he'll probably know if he sneaked in reinforcements or guards.

He had the necessary time to plan for what he had to do. However, he had a bad feeling creeping up his spine when he tried asking Tachihara what they needed from his ability. Knowing that, there definitely must be someone as hostage. He must think wisely on this. He should go the next day immediately. The whole of Yokohama might be in danger if he doesn't go as soon as possible.


True to his thoughts, he appeared in front of the abandoned building before noon. Ango wasn't the violent type, he only did what he needed to to keep Yokohama the safe place it should be. Combat wasn't his forte and he never really ever did the gruesome stuff. His job was actually only to order armed around and apprehend ability-users who were a problem to public. His work mostly consisted of paper work and administrative stuff. Recording down stuff and on some some special mission, act as a spy on agencies like he had done in the port mafia a few years back.

He was known to work alone because in his line of work, he couldn't trust anybody. Or should he say, nobody could be trusted. There were many betrayals that had happened and he didn't risk his mission or himself because he wanted to friend the opposite side, so he worked alone.

His train of thoughts were broken when a light reflected off a shard or mirror on the ground. He glanced to the side and sighed. It seemed that he was right. There was a sniper behind him on the opposite building. He faced the metal door, which rusted over the years. He only had a gun and a few ammo in his pocket. Nothing else and no one else. He hesitated, thinking if there was a better way to go around this situation but he still knocked anyways. almost immediately, did the metal door open, it's hinges creaking and the door scraping against the floor made a loud noise which pierced the silence. Ango steeped a few steps back, shoving a hand into one of his pockets as he waited for the heavy door to be open.

The raven haired schooled his face to show no emotion or reaction when he saw the red head smirking right back at him. "You came! Great, just head up the stairs. Second level, third door to the left." With that, Tachihara moved and welcomed Ango in a menacing way. Ango avoided communicating with the supposed the be in jail red head and just went in, not even glancing at the other doors in the place. Tachihara behind him frowned as he shrugged and closed the door again, not forgetting to give a signal to the sniper.

Ango obviously noticed but said nothing at it and continued walking. It seems like Tachihara wasn't following behind him but he didn't let his guard down just yet. He continued to walk, counting the doors along the way and stopping in front of the third door like instructed.

Now, in front of the door, Ango started regretting his decision more than ever. But since he was know here, he mustered the courage as he adjusted his glasses and his hand gripped the door handle tightly. It seemed that the door was already unlocked as he stepped in.

The room was relatively dim-lit. Only one chair facing multiple screens. Ango cautiously entered the room and nearly jumped when he suddenly heard a very familiar voice. "It seems that Tachihara got you." Ango glanced into the darkness to see a figure walk out of the corner of the room. "Fyodor...it is a shame I cannot arrest right here right now..."

"Yes, it is a shame. Anyways, I have a job for you." 

"And why should I do it?"

"Not knowing the whole picture, I advice you do what I say."

Ango did not want to admit it but Fyodor was right. He had exactly no clue what was their plan. 

Why they needed him.

What is in this building.

Who is in this building.

And what is Fyodor thinking and planning.

Fyodor, as if he could read Ango's mind, he chuckled and continued, breaking the silent tension and breaking Ango's train of thoughts as well.

"Why don't I show you who you're going to use your ability on instead. Maybe you'll change your mind..."

Fyodor brushed past Ango and walked ahead to the stairs, not even looking back at Ango. The raven-haired who was still hesitating, followed slowly. He was right, there was a...hostage. Both soon came to a similar looking door and Ango swore they were going around in circles. He was smart enough to know that Fyodor was trying to confuse him so that he won't remember where they went. Good for the rat! Ango was beyond confused and he felt like puking soon. He just kept on seeing doors and walls and nothing else and the doors told nothing of what was inside behind them. He couldn't help but sigh softly to himself and adjust his glasses again.

Fyodor obviously noticed that but ignored it and decided against taunting the male. He just swerved around to face him and warned, "Don't enter the room until I say so and no talking to the victim unless I say so." Ango merely just nodded. He wanted to scoff when Fyodor said 'victim', he bet Fyodor kidnapped the sort called 'victim' and did other illegal acts to just get his 'victim'. 

The raven-haired put up a smile which hid his plans as he opened the door. Ango was thinking of just staying at the side of the door, thinking of staring at the endless doors in a row instead of whatever was inside of that room. However, like any curious soul, Ango glanced into the room and his eyes widened. He almost wanted to shout and Fyodor noticed that, he merely just smirked. 

"Shocking, am I right?"


Sorry I haven't been updating recently. My after school activities and homework has been piling up. I am sad to say that I would only be able to update the story once a week only, 2 times a week if I can. Thank you for your understanding!

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