Silent static

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Ango stopped himself from rushing into the room as two amethysts staring right back at him, flahsed with amusement. Only when Fyodor gestured to come in, did Ango walk in ever so slowly, trying to pry his eyes away from the figure.

"It took a few months to keep him from picking the locks and trying to escape." Fyodor put up his famous smirk as he walked to where the figure was chained onto the wall. "Right...Dazai?" The said brunette had no reaction, no movement. Ango couldn't even hear whether Dazai was breathing or not. The brunette's head was downcast, his hair which was slightly stained red covered his face. His bandages were surprisingly still white but Ango didn't miss the blots of red further up Dazai's wrists.

He stifled a gasp when the brunette looked up at him. His eyes...His eyes were lifeless. Unlike the type of eyes when he was in the mafia. They were tired and dark. Those once calm caramel brown eyes slowly glanced from Fyodor to Ango and Ango hated it as he tried looking somewhere else. Despite his desire to not look at the brunette, he couldn't. Never in his life would he have thought that Dazai be reduced into such a state. He gave a silent glare at Fyodor who just chuckled at that. Fyodor gripped a few brunette locks and twirled it in between his fingers as Ango stared at Fyodor, not knowing what his objective is.

That was until Fyodor tugged Dazai's head back which made the brunette wince. Ango's eyes widened as his arm shot forward without him thinking. He grabbed onto Fyodor's arm tightly as he pushed his glasses up. "What do you want me to do?"

Fyodor's smirk only got bigger. He let go of the brunette's hair slowly and turned to face Ango. "I want to know where the book is."

"I do not know where Dazai-kun hid the book." And Ango really didn't know. He had no idea.

"Use your ability to find out where it is. I tried asking mister detective here but he kept quiet."

"I think you have a misconception on how my ability works. My ability only allows me to see the memory of the person if I touch an object."

Fyodor's eyes narrowed. "Then I got a better idea. Talk to him and coax an answer out of him. He's close to you right?"

"Dazai-kun was always the stubborn type, he won't even tell me."

Many thoughts were racing through Fyodor's mind. Many questions as he looked between the two in front of him. Did Ango have any use to him? His ability? Yes but it isn't really useful because he's in hiding now.

"Well, try to talk to him. Just don't expect an answer or even a reaction to him."

With that Fyodor just patted Ango on the shoulder a few times before walking out of the room.

The raven-haired glanced at the brunette who was no longer looking at him but instead found the floor more interesting.

Ango sighed as he inched closer to the younger and was contemplating on whether to talk to Dazai or slap the brunette and hope for the best. However, Ango's attention turned to Dazai's hands which were chained onto the wall. The brunette's slim finger's were moving ever so slowly. Ango was about to glance somewhere else until he saw that the movement of Dazai's fingers was moving in a weird movement. The more he observed, the weirder he found it. That was when Ango followed the brunette's finger and found that he was tracing something which looked like a heart.


Ango's eyes widened as he quickly fished out his phone and began furiously tapping on his screen. As the raven head's eyes followed the lines on the screen, he mentally counted and taped hsinhand against his thigh. His eyes were glued to the screen, as if scared he'll miss the smallest of detail.

Sentence by sentence, Ango followed and noted each word down.

The final message he got was:

"Cameras at the top right corner of the room. Fifth level, fourth door, right. Two new ability users. Leave or die. Delete after read."

Ango adjusted his glasses. From this short message, Ango could tell that there were cameras that could record sound. Fyodor found two more new members with abilities. He also knew their location. The raven head even took the effort to sit so that his back was facing the camera, blocking the view. He nodded at the brunette, knowing that the younger could see and notice the action.

"You won't tell me where the book is, won't you?" Ango asked, knowing the answer fully and that it was a dumb question. He only saw the brunette shake his head and he sighed and nodded understandingly. He stood up, walking to the door since Dazai did warn him he would be killed if he stayed. His hand reached for the door knob, he glanced back at the brunette who was surprisingly staring back at him with a small and weak smile. That made Ango's heart ache as he smiled back and opened the door only to have a gun in front of his face. The barrell of the gun touched Ango's forehead and Fyodor didn't even hesitate to press the trigger.


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