onto them

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Sitting down on the rather hard chair, the ginger sighed. He hated his boss for allowing him to work here. The people were fine it was the environment. Chuuya admitted he was slightly spoiled since the mafia was better on the money sidet than the ADA.

From his private office to the table made out of cedar wood. One big difference was the size. His office was already bigger than the whole ADA office, including the president's office and the meeting room.

Now that the ginger thought about it, he had no idea why his office was so big. It was mostly empty space.

Brushing that off his mind, he settled into a comfortable position beside the brunette. Fukuzawa had placed the together since Dazai was closer to Chuuya.

The ginger glanced to the side, noticing that the brunette had his hand around his neck, as if massaging it.

"You alright?" He pushed a few brunette locks behind the brunette's ear, his voice soft and concerned.

"I'm fine. Just a bit achy, maybe I didn't sleep in the right position." His voice matching Chuuya's. He smiled at the ginger, who nodded, leaning back on his seat.

He noticed the brunette straining himself from coughing. He narrowed his eyes and stood up, he went to the water-cooled in the office which was newly placed and got a cup of water for the brunette which Dazai muttered a thanks at.

The ginger just shook his head and sat back down. They had no work and no missions, so it was a rather boring working day.

"Mr mafia guy, do you have a weak point?"

A blonde asked, as the ginger turned to see Kenji.

"Oh...you're the one I ate lunch with  a year ago, Kenji right?"

The teenager enthusiastically nodded as Chuuya smiled at the reaction. That kid was such a polite and culture's one, easily amazed by other skills and activities.

"I don't really have a weakness though..." The ginger thought for a while and was about to continue before the brunette grabbed his forearm, stopping him.

"Something wrong?" Chuuya raised a brow, looking at the brunette shaking his head. He now turned to face the brunette who was reaching onto Chuuya's thigh. The ginger glanced down to see Dazai reaching for his dagger and swiftly pulling out of it's holder. 

Chuuya grabbed onto the brunette's wrist, holding it firmly under the table. "What are you doing?" he whispered only for the brunette to yank his hand away and throw the dagger at the blonde teenager. Everyone stifled a gasp as Kenji's eyes widened as he fell to the floor with a thud, the dagger piercing his face. 

Yasano immediately ran forward about to enable her ability only to stop and stumble backwards. Fukuzawa who had heard the commotion came rushing out to see the scene. Everyone surrounded the dead body. The brunette was still sitting, grabbing onto the ginger to refrain him from standing up and joining the crowd. 

Finally noticing something amiss, he grabbed Dazai and gave a concerned look. The brunette just pointed at the corpse. Everyone's eyes widened when they saw the supposed to be Kenji started melting into a gum like substance. The figure melted and melted until a human like creature crawled out of the pool of disgusting muddy substance. Everyone stepped back, Kyouka fishing out her dagger as she stood at the front. She squinted at the figure and turned to the rest. "Ability user who acted like Kenji." 

True to her words, the a pale face came out after all the gummy, sticky substance dripped off. However, it was not long before he or she fell back to the floor, the black substance turning into blood. Everyone gasped and was about to call Yasano to heal the imposter but stopped when they saw everything evaporated into he air as fast as it melted, leaving Chuuya's dagger on the floor. The floor was clean as if nothing ever happened in the first place.

The black haired male who was sitting on his desk, looking from afar, finally announced.

"Fyodor's onto us."

The president immediately gave a glance at the ginger who understood immediately, standing up, using his ability to retrieve his dagger and dragging Dazai out of the office. Only when the duo left did the silver haired man continued, "Rampo, explain."

"First was the poison in Kunikida's coffee. There must have been a spy at the café to try and kill or at least knock out Dazai's partner in the ADA. Second was that imposter which looked like Kenji. We're not sure whether Kenji is alright or not. He placed a spy here to get Chuuya to let down his guard. He's on to us. The next thing I can think of is..." Rampo kept quiet.

Everyone waited in silence and anticipation. "Dazai..." The smartest detective hastily jumped of his table, rushing out of the door, only to sigh in relief when the duo were still outside, talking to each other. Both looked, confused at Rampo as the raven haired ushered them into the office, Chuuya and Dazai still confused on what was happening.

"You've predicted this far, Dazai. Try to think what might happen next." Rampo quickly demanded from the brunette which raised a brow and thought about it. 

"I don't know..." The brunette muttered out. The first rare few words which came out of the brunette's mouth for the whole 3 days he has been here. Rampo furrowed his brow, emerald slits finally observing the brunette up and down. Dazai was visibly nervous about it but he tried not to show it.

Everyone was surrounding the two of them, Fukuzawa pulling out his phone to call someone while paying attention to the scene. A gasp from Rampo made everyone jump as he quickly pounced onto the brunette. Chuuya stepped forward to interfere only to be stopped by the detective giving him a small glare. The ginger sighed, annoyed, contemplating on whether to interfere or not. The brunette, obviously confused and uncomfortable about Rampo hovering above him, bit his lip and tried pushing the raven off him but to no avail as the older maintained a tight grip. Fukuzawa, seeing that, stepped him but he saw the glance Rampo gave him and could only look concerned.

Everyone hesitated on stopping Rampo as they glanced at each other to see who was going to step in. 

No one did. Chuuya finally grabbed Rampo by the back of his coat about to lift him up only for the silver haired president to stop him. "Nakahara-san, an order to step back." The ginger gave a glare before dropping the other.

As Dazai kept on struggling, Rampo reached for his neck only for the brunette to interfere every time. "Dazai, stop it. I'm helping you." The black haired tried talking the younger to stop struggling but was futile. The detective sighed in frustration and annoyance, looking up at Kunikida who raised a brow at that.

"Help me!"

The blonde hesitated before pinning the brunette's hands onto the floor. "Rampo-san, I hope you know what you're doing."

The raven haired nodded, determined to assure the blonde he knew what he was doing. Dazai continued to squirm, visibly trying to escape the situation but he was just flailing about aimlessly, his brain couldn't process the information and he was panicking. His arms darted from each ADA member to...Chuuya was was clenching his fists and doing his best to comfort the brunette with just his face.

Dazai obviously didn't feel comforted and kept on looking at Chuuya, as if calling out for help. The ginger breathed in deeply, shaking his head at the brunette. Much as it pained him to see the brunette as such a helpless position, e couldn't interfere unless he wanted to disobey the president's instructions which he was actually contemplating on doing that. But before he could do anything, Rampo had already started trailing his finger at Dazai's bandaged neck, as if searching for something. 

Only when he felt a lump at one part of the brunette's neck did it confirm his guess. 

"Yasano, pass me a scalpel. I'm going to do a little surgery..."

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