Dear Alison: The Epilogue

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9 years later

December 5 2024

An 18 year old girl stands in a graveyard. She stands in front of two graves and begins reading.

Amelia St. John

Loving Mother of Eden St. John,
Alison St. John
Drew St. John


Eden St. John

Gone to soon and to young

Forever remembered


The girl stars to cry. Hot tears running down her face. She sits down and wipe at her eyes, nothing seems to get then to stop. She runs the palm of her hand along the second grave. A little boy runs up to her and sits beside her.

"They loved you Drew. They would give the world up for you. And so would I." Lethe girl states.

"They loved you to Alison. I'm sure of it." Drew nods. He stands up and runs to a man.

"He's telling the truth Ali, they love you so much." The man remarks before walking away with the boy. Straight to a women with a beautiful diamond ring on her finger.

Next a heavily pregnant women comes and stands behind her.

"Why did they go Lucy?" Alison cries

"It was their time." Lucy says solemnly "Wanna know what in planing on calling the child in my stomach? I'm calling her Eden, as long as it's okay with you Alison?"

Alison's eyes start to water again. She nods and stands up, giving Lucy a hug. Lucy kisses her forehead lets go. She walks over to a car and jumps into the passenger seat kissing her husband and check to see if her child is okay, only to find him fast asleep.

Alison sits back down. Re-tracing the words on the gravestones for the hundredths time.

A young couple walks up to her.
"Alison! You weren't at school so Nate and I wanted to make sure you were okay!" The girl exclaims. "We kinda thought you'd be here. It's her birthday isn't it?"

I only nod.

"Well we better go. Come on Mia. She needs time to herself." Nate says tugging her away.

"Thank you guys" I whisper "I love you guys. Your the best"

"We love you to Ali-poo" Mia smiles "Hey! That rhymes!"

I laugh and Nate chuckles.

"See you Ali, we'll see you at school tomorrow right?" Nate smiles

I smile and nod. They wave and walk away.

Alison pulls out a folder from her back pack and reads over the letters inside quickly

Dear Alison,

So far life's great....

Dear Alison,


Dear Alison,

I miss you...

Love Eden. x....

Love Eden. x....

Love Eden. x...

Alison smiles. She reaches back into her back pack and pulls out a notebook and a pen.

Dear Eden,

I miss you.

Why couldn't you wait a couple more months?

Dad's better. He cleaned himself up. He hasn't drunk a single drop
since he got out of jail. He even met a beautiful girl
name Olivia. She's really nice and has 3 children of her own.
Delilah who's 24 ad engaged to a man name Lucas, Nat who's 22 and single
and lastly Luke who's 17 turning 18 and openly gay.

Drew's happy too! Dad hasn't forced me to live with him,
Drew and I live in out old house where we all use to live
before the accident. Lucy use to live with us but now she's
married with a little one one the way. She's naming her after
you! Dad visits Nathan (Lucy's son) a lot.

Alec's engaged to Sam. There really happy!

I miss you so much!

I love you!

Love Alison. x

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