XIII... Rivets of Dancing Flames

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"She definitely will. You know, like way she did when you slept with Josephine." Alexander's face is complete darkly and bloodcurdling that sheds complete dread. I feel a creeping shiver crawl alongside my back. 

He has a glower in his so unnerving it feels formidable. I think I would shit my pants if Alexander glared at me like that. He obviously doesn't like me, but he stared at Evander like he could strangle him with his bare hands. Speaking of Evander, I look up at him, but his expression hadn't changed. 

He seemed relaxed and cool, that same grin. 

Even Jane seems a little intimidated by Alexander's grim aura. 

Alexander's jaw is so tight I can just imagine how much it hurts. 

"Just a joke, Alek." Evander somewhat breaks the glowing atmospheric tone. "Oh well, I have to go now." Evander looks at his non-existent watch. I finally try to get out of his grasp that sends hot and rippling shudders throughout me. "Where do you think you're going? I'm going to take your little friend here." His hand grips me harder. Evander looks from me to Jane and Alexander.

"She's not my friend." Alexander bites out. It looks like he's finally acknowledged me, and not in a very pleasant way. 

"Of course she's not. She's mine." Evander looks from me to Alexander again, flashing that drop-dead-gorgeous smile that reveal all his white teeth. The butterflies that ripple all throughout my stomach reach my heart. 

As soon as his sentence ends, Grayson, Damon, and Maxwell finally come back. 

"Fucking Anthony slept with Genevieve." Grayson bites out as he rustles his perfect brunette hair. 

"And Garrett is not taking it well." Maxwell snickers as he throws his arm over Jane. I gulp down a wad of saliva as my stomach hurts. I was hurt for a moment, until I looked up to the beautiful man holding my shoulders, safely. 

"Let's go, Marce." Evander grabs my wrist as he leads me away from them and toward the bunching crowd of high schoolers (hopefully). I look up to the blue night with the crescent moon hovered more up the night sky. 

I look back, finding Alexander with a lingering gaze, meeting mine. 

"Where are you taking me?" I look back to see Evander still holding safely onto my wrist. I attempt to wriggle away, but I don't want him to let go. 

"To the bonfire." He glances behind his shirtless shoulder. He's shirtless with wet black trunks on. 

"Bonfire? How corny." He lets out a chuckle as he continues to lead me to the bonfire. 

"How ya liking Grandview, Marce." He at last let's me go. 

"It's terrible. And why do you keep calling me Marce?" I pause for second, letting my thoughts float. I can barely speak with his eyes on mine. "It's Marcelina." 

"Because, it's cute. And you're cute." I just stood there, like an idiot. I just stood there, idly, letting his words sink deeper within each second. What? I watched him grin wildly, and that wasn't helping with my burning cheeks. No, it made my face burn to my neck.

And cute? I have never been called cute besides whenever Granny April came over. His words were sudden and weird, but I still liked the strange the fact he called me cute. 

He steps toward me, as I try to step back. He holds my back, stopping me from the fire of the curls of flames. 

"Be careful." He grins, his figure leaning toward me. I grabbed his arms and let myself fall a little into himself. 

Finally, I pulled myself together. I cleared my throat and just pushed him away.

"Why are you so close?" I mutter, embarrassed to make eye contact with him. 

"Shouldn't you say thank you? I just helped you, Marce." I finally lift my head up and stare hey  down. 

"Why should I? I bet you're just like the rest of them." I clenched the hems of Jane's black dress she lended me. His face turned from a relaxed and grinning expression into something cold, just for a split second. Until he descended back to what he was, originally.


 Is that what he's truly like? Grinning with a devil-may-care demeanour, or something unlike..

"What do you wanna bet?" 

"That's not what I meant.." I struggle to not stutter my words. 

"What do you want to bet? I don't like repeating myself." His voice stern and clear, his dark eyes with a shimmer so hard to ignore. 

I search my mind. 

"I bet you can't take Jane Bennett to Grandview Enamours Ball." I fold my arms and hold my head up high.

Grandview Enamours Ball, almost like a dance, just more fanciful and beautiful. I read about it in the Grandview Prep Handbook. It's held every school year, with each student of any school year. It's pretty important, because Rosalie Warden would hold Balls in the grandiose banquets every February when she still lived in the manor. 

Though, the ballroom was torn down for whatever reason by Edwin Harrison-Grandview. And Grandview Enamours Ball is held on the fourth Friday of May, each and every year.

It's basically in honour of Rosalie Warden. 

"What happens when I win?" He slides his long and hot arm over my shoulders. His eyes sinking into my soul.

"Whatever you ask for, though I'm not sure what you would want from me." He stills for a mere second, before reaching to meet our eyes together. 

There's this silence, this atmosphere drowning out the crackles of curling flames, the loose music, and the murmurs of people all around us. It felt like it was just us, in this vicinity, in this world. In this universe. I realize, it's almost always felt like our interactions were just us, and no one else but. 

My heart thumps so hard and so fast. I can feel it through my folded arms, and I'm sure Evander can feel, and hear it just as much as I do. 

His mouth is in a flat line, which it then turns back into a stupid and smirky grin. 

"You know what I want, Marce."

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