Chapter 1 The Realm's Delights

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Queen Alicent Hightower sat alone in her chamber, lost in thought. The air was thick with the scent of candles, their flickering flames casting shadows on the walls. Ever since her second son, Aemond Targaryen, had lost his eye to Lucerys Velaryon, her mind had been consumed with worry. Aemond had grown increasingly isolated and obsessive in his studies and training, withdrawing further and further into his own pain. Something had to be done.

Her gaze shifted to the window, the moon casting a silver light across the room.
It was a painful realization.
He needed love and hers wasn't enough.
She gave up her expectations for her husband to perform a fraction of paternal care he did Rhaenyra a long time ago.
Helaena was happily married to the Lord of Highgarden, and Aegon...
Perhaps it was foolish, but even after years imprisoned in the cold walls of Red Keep and familial duty, Alicent still had a shatter of hope that love had the power to heal even the deepest wounds, or so she thought.

A distant memory slipped into her mind as she gazed at the tattered page from her former friendship with Rhaenyra. It was Aegon's tenth nameday, a celebration attended by lords and ladies from across the Seven Kingdoms. As the night drew on and the guests engaged in a final dance, Alicent's eyes were drawn to Rhaenyra, holding a small child who could not have been more than five. The little girl's laughter warmed her former friend's heart, and Alicent recognized the look of joy that Rhaenyra reserved for her children and once for Alicent herself. She took another sip of her wine before approaching them, a racing heart masked by her queenly composure.

"Princess Rhaenyra," Alicent greeted warmly, with a trace of sorrow in her voice, "It has been too long since you looked so content."

Rhaenyra's genuine smile faltered slightly. "And how delighted should I be to have your concern, Your Grace," she replied with a hint of sarcasm.

"Your son Prince Aegon would have been seriously injured if this little kitten hadn't intervened," Rhaenyra beamed as she lightly pinched the child's rosy cheeks.

Alicent trembled at the words. "What has Aegon done now?"

"I saw him sneaking into the stable," the dark-haired girl responded with an adorable grin, "I followed him and saw a large horse getting angry and about to kick him. So I ran over and pulled him away!"

"Fortunately, I was taking some air and saw them both panting outside the stable. Your Grace, perhaps it is time for the prince to begin training on horseback." Rhaenyra's voice held an implied mockery. At that moment, Alicent felt all her longing for Rhaenyra dissipate. She knew that Rhaenyra was suggesting that Jacaerys had started riding horses with Ser Harwin Strong despite being three years younger than Aegon. As Alicent was about to throw back a snide remark regarding Rhaenyra's sons' true heritage, she trembled as the child held her hand.

"Lady Alicent, is Aegon going to be okay? When Rhaenyra checked if he was hurt, he just ran away. He looked scared."

"Katy, you shall refer to the Queen as Your Grace," Rhaenyra's voice slightly hardened as she pulled the child closer to her. Rhaenyra's stare became colder as the girl's words confirmed her suspicions: Alicent had been feeding her sons lies about how cruel she is. She had been wondering why all her efforts in establishing a familial connection with her half-siblings had been impossible, now, Aegon's behaviour gave her the obvious answer.
Alicent's heart softened as she saw the concerned expression on the child's face, "It's ok. Prince Aegon is fine. Look, he is over there," she pointed at the corner of the hall, where Ser Criston Cole was clearly lecturing her elder son's reckless behaviour.
"Thank you for rescuing Aegon, I am sure he was just embarrassed to be saved by a little warrior like you," she smiled, "Tell me, darling, what is your name? Where are your parents?" She leaned down, caressing the child's soft hand.
Before she could speak, Rhaenyra answered for her, "She's Katherine Lannister, elder daughter of Tyland Lannister and Ariane Stark."
"You have quite the unusual look for a Lannister, dear Katherine. May I call you Katy?" Alicent ignored Rhaenyra in response.
"Yes, Your Grace. That's what everyone tells me," Katherine paused, "my uncles say I am odd, but I'm sure they meant it in a good way." Her face turned into a playful grin, contrasting her docile attitude from earlier.
Alicent chuckled, "I cannot see how anyone would think otherwise," she gazed back at Rhaenyra again, "I can see how you enchanted the Realm's Delight."
There was a moment of vulnerability as the two women locked eyes. Despite years of unspoken rivalry, the two former friends still carried profound memories of their shared youth.

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