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One day Obana sat at the pincnik. He ate sandwiches and pie and berries. She feasted happily and licked each of his fingers to savor the meal. "MMMNh. Berry." Obama said with smile.

Suddenly, Obama looked up to see a lovely couple walking through the park. Randy Marsh and Nagito Komaeda. They were the popularist couple in town. Obama is sad, because he is not a couple. He is lonely and only feasts on picnics alone.

"I know what I shall do!" Obama said with a grin, packing up his basket and jumping to his feet. "I shall find a boyfriend! That way, no more randy and nagito as famous couple!"

Obama stood up and strutted into the town, his fat ass cheeks clapping in the wind. He bounced happy down the sidewalk, I've literally forgotten ever thing I wrote before this.

Oboomba arrived at his apparent andnl skipped inside, immediately getting on his computer and downloading the Tender web Brower. (The dating website). Obama set up multiple dates in the next few days in order to meet many candidates boufriendd.

The next day, he went on a date with Minnie Mouses. At the end he told her she wasn't his type and they fought until the cops arrived. She ended up cheating on Mackey da mous

I just remembered onmaa isnlooking for BOYfriens so the whole Minnie plot doesn't make since)

Bojack Jorseman was the next date he had. They had a lot in common, but Bojack's alcoholism is a huge red flag to anama

Mmmmmmmmmmmmmsmmfmtmmmmmm ymmmhmm

Third dare was

What the Rick was I writing about

I fell asleepna little bit

Go to therapy.

You reading thus.

Yes, you. Wattpad user.

Go to therapy.


Go TO therapy


Obama then went on a date with the red and yellow Eminem. They were already dating, so it was like a poly relationship. Sadly Obama doesn't wanna pay for desert, so he eats the yellow eminem and ruins the date.

Next Obama met aeric cartman, who called him multiple racial slurs, mooned him, and then left. Obama was very sad and had Eric thrown in federal prison. Also he was a child so no dating for him

Dare after date, Obama began to lose hope. What if all these ballsacks of men weren't worth it. What if Obama had to become straight and date a cootie girl 🤮🤢🤮🤮🤮🤮

But finally, a miracle happened. On the very last scheduled date, Obama met a very special man: Uncle Grandpa. He was the sweetest man, offering to pay for Obama'a picnic meal, and buying him dessert too. They then held hands in the park, and uncle grandpa shower Obama his crack ass van.

As they sat on his couch, Obama's eyes sparkled in Italian. "Uncle Grandpa, I think you're the one" He whispered seductively.

"I think you're the one too, Obama. May I have a kiss?" He said in a rizzed up Chad voice

The two shared a passionate kiss while interlocking fingers.

Obama and The Chaos PicnicWhere stories live. Discover now