number 2

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A few weeks had passed, and Onama and UG were a happy couple. People seemed to notice this and began to pay attention to them, and not Randy and Nagiro.

Nagito got pissed. "Baby they aren't paying attention to us anymore." He growled likea wolf

"Babe calm down, it's just a phase they'll come back to us soon" Randy hushed his loving husband

Stuffing hisbhands into his pockets, Nagito huffed. "It makes me so mad I wanna kill myself and frame Chiaki for murder."

Randy looked at Nagito with the rock eyebrown. "Nsgito what the fuck"

At Uncle Grandpa's Crack van, he and Obama sat there and watched Netflix like a trailer park couple.

"Omg babe I love this show' Obama squealed as they watched the pemguins of Madagascar

Incel Grandpa smiled. "Me too I love Rico because he's a literal terrorist"

"I was president once you know" Obama said sadly. "Terrorists aren't good"

"I'm sorry babe I'll never speak lightly of terrorism again, fuck rico" uncle granpsa said softly.

As they continued their show, they hear a knock onbthe door.

"I'll get it" uncle Grandpa says, before walking over and opening the door. Seeing who's there, he closes the door and starts crying.

Concerned, Obama stands up and frowns. "Omg bae are you okay you're crying"

"My ex husband is outside.." zuncle granta sobbed. "He heard about us dating because I faked my death to break up with him"

"Omfg you did that?!" Obama gasped. "Who is he?!"

"Charlie aka MoistCr1tikal...." Ucle Granpda sobbed. "What do I do I still love him"

Obama felt shartbroken. "If you wanna go back to him it's okay babe.."

Shaking his head, Uncle Grandpa cried more like a baby bitch. "But I don't want to leave you because I love you more"

Charlie Moist mosied on in the camper and smiled. "I wouldn't mind a threesome with you guys. Plus we'll be a way hotter couple. This reminds me of the time I beat a child to death with a hammer in front of a home depot."

'Uhmmm.. baby what the hell??" Granpa Guncle said sadly.

"This is why you're a bottom bitch" Charlie crossed his arms. "And you, Mr. Former President, are you into?"

Obama smiled and wrapped his arms around both boys. "Anythinf you guys are into, of course."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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