Court Trial

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After ten minutes of waiting, Niall and Harry were relieved to see me.

"Kirstin, is that you?''

"Shhh. Yes it's me."

"Why are you in disguise?"

"The police are still looking for me remember? "

''Oh yeah."

"Hey, there you are, are you ok?"

"Yes, I'm fine, what about the both of you?"

"We're ok now that your here".


"Today is the day of the court trial".

"What? Really?"

"Sadly, yes."

"What time?"


*They let Harry out of the jail cell*


"Harry I can and will prove that you and I did not steal."

"But Kirstin, how?"

"The video tapes at the jewelry store, they might have proof that we're innocent."

"You're so clever Kirstin."

"Nah, I'm just thinking."

"There might be one slight problem though."

"What would that be?"

"The jewelry store owner knows our faces now."

"Kirstin, are you thinking what I'm thinking? "

*Both turn to Niall*

"What? Wait a minute, you guys want me to ask for the video footage. don't you?"

"Yup." Harry and I said at the same time.

"Oh boy, here we go again. Ok, but you guys have to promise me that you two won't do anything stupid. Ok?

"Ok we promise."


*Meeting Harry for the first time*

"Hi, I'm Kirstin."

"Hello, I'm Harold, but most people call me Harry".

"Nice to meet you Harry."

"Nice to meet you too Kirstin."

Here's your phone by the way."

"Oh yeah, and Here's your phone too."


"I think you're really cute."

"Me? Nah. I think you're really cute."

"You do?"

"I really do."

"After we get our names cleared, how would you like to join me on a date at my place watching a movie?"

"Harry that sounds so relaxing, I'd love too."


*At Court*

"All rise for the honorable judge, Judge Jenson"

Judge Jensen: Today we are trying the court case of Styles/Gregoire Vs. Charles . We will now here from Charles' representative.

Charles' representative: On behalf of Mr. James Charles, I'd like to say that These people here are guilty, He also said that he saw them take the jewels.

Judge Jenson: Mr. Representative for Charles side, do you have any proof?

Charles Representative: Ma'am, you may call me John.

Jenson: ok Mr. John

John: Mrs. Jenson, as a matter of fact I do. That girl over there, do you see her?

Judge Jenson: Yes. What about her?
John: she's not who you think she is. She's Kirstin Gregoire, the 20 year old woman you have been looking for.

*Crowd Gasps*

"Look it's not Harry's or my fault, we had no choice. There was a gunman with his goons at the crime scene. They snuck up behind us and held a gun to our heads."

Judge Jenson: Silence!

"You see your honor, I too have proof that Harry and I are both innocent."

*Niall barges through the doors*

"Judge Jenson, Kirstin and Harry are both innocent. Here's the tape from the video store.''

Charles' representative: How did you get those tapes??! Those tapes are not your property.''

"I have my ways." Anyways, please play the tape your honor.''

"Roll it!"

"See your honor, this shows that Kirstin and Harry accidentally bumped heads."

Judge: Go on, please.

"As I was saying, The bell went off seconds before Harry and Kirstin bumped heads." So the possibility of the robbery occurring at the same time is a 75% chance is was not them. But clearly, the gunman and his goons placed the necklace in one of there pockets with a GPS tracker." Also, your honor, the gunman is tracking Harry or Kirstin right as we speak."

"Oh No!"

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