Chapter 13 - Everyone is dumb

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Hunter was beginning to creep you out. Now, it wasn't always like this. At first it was great! For a month, your relationship with the redback and the softshell was fantastic.

You guys had gone to an escape room - courtesy of Hunter - and it was great! With your intuition and Donnie's genius, it wasn't too hard. Hunter also had a knack for thinking outside the box, and it worked too! How he got to the ideas was a little... disturbing, but it worked!! (In hindsight, that was probably the first red flag)

The issue you had with Hunter was how he would.... show affection? For example: you were sitting on the couch with Hunter. That's all good. He places his hand on your thigh. Again, that's fine. Then his hand started to creep up, said thigh into the no no zone. Before anything too freaky could happen, you would make an excuse and leave.

And this has happened more than once. You weren't sure what to do. This was normal behaviour for people in relationships, right? So why were you so uncomfortable with this?? Was Hunter doing this to Donnie?

Pacing in your room, you were knocked out of your thoughts by a knock on your door. You opened it to find Casey on the other side. You let the future boy in with a greeting. He awkwardly stood in the middle of your room, his mouth moving like a fish gasping for air. In other words, he was struggling to word.

"You ok, Case?" You patted the space beside you on your bed. Casey flopped onto your bed and gently leaned against you. You would often end up in a position like this with the boy. It helped ground the boy - and you wouldn't admit it, but it helped you, too.

"I- Are you ok (Y/N)?" Deflect deflect deflect deflect.
"Of course! Why wouldn't I be?"
"You just seem... uncomfortable lately? More specifically, when Hunter is around? Is everything ok?" You stared off into the distance.

Would it be ok to tell him?? I shouldn't urden him with this! But he noticed already... No! Shove it down. No feelings.  It would be nice to tell someone, though... NOOOOOO-

After the internal debate with your - dumbass - mind, you turned to face the boy. His hands fidgeted with his mask - it definitely needed a good clean. And so you explained everything. How Hunter had been acting, your concerns about how it affected you. All the while, Casey listened, several emotions crossing his face. Once you were done, Casey spoke up.

"Have you talked to Hunter about this? Or Donnie?" You gulped.
"Noo?" Casey facepalmed. "I'll get to it. But speaking of Donnie, you should let me him take a look at your mask. It'll probably need a service, and Donnie would love to take a look at it. Maybe a clean aswel-" Casey clutched the mask closer at the mention of cleaning it. "Ooorrr not. The rustic touch is nice." Casey agreed to your suggestion and left to do just that. Once Casey left, you let your smile fade.

I shouldn't have done that. Why would you vent to a child! He's sixteen! He already has enough trauma as it is. Grow. Up. I'm sorry.

You shoved your headphones in too blast away the thoughts.


You were with Mikey, helping him prepare dinner. It was a good distraction, and you loved to spend time with the box turtle. You both were singing in the kitchen. It was a blast.

Until it wasn't.

Donnie entered the kitchen. He grabbed your wrist and began to drag you away.
"Mikey, I'm just borrowing (Y/N) for a moment." Mikey smirked at him and waved the two away.

You entered Donnie's lab, and he didn't hesitate in saying what was on his mind.
"Why didn't you tell me?" Blinking, you tilted your head in confusion. You then noticed Casey's mask on his workbench.

Oh shit...

"It's not important??" Smiling nervously, you chuckled. Kill me now- You could feel the sweat run down your neck.
"It is important (Y/N)! You should've told me... I can help..." Donnie groaned in frustration.
"It's my issue, Don... I can deal with it." Donnie's hands clenched at your words.
"I'm probably being overdramatic anyway! This behaviour is normal for people in relationships!" You tried to reassure him (and yourself).

"Not without consent!" Donnie growled out in frustration. Whether it was directed at you or another, you didn't know. You flinched slightly at his tone but pressed on.
"Listen, Donnie, it's my problem! I can take care of myself!"
"But that's just stupid!" You felt tears crawl up in your eyes, and you shook your head.
"I don't care! No one else should have to deal with my problems!" Donnie stared at you wide-eyed as you yelled out.

He couldn't process it... (Y/N) helped everyone else he knew with their problems... but he couldn't give her the same treatment. She wouldn't let him. Why?!

You began to fidget with your hands as you tried to shove the tears away. You tried taking deep breaths, but that just made your vision more blurry. You couldn't break down. Not in front of Donnie... Not again...

"(Y/N)....I know that I don't say it often, but....I do care about you. I just want to help you... Please... Just let me help you.  Donnie's voice was soft and gentle. A large contrast from its normal condescending tone. He stepped closer to you and hesitantly wrapped his arms around you. Your arms immediately returned the hug before your mind could comprehend what just happened.
"I'm here (Y/N)." He whispered softly.

Your throat closed up, and you felt like you couldn't breathe. All of these feelings...They were smashing into one another, and you couldn't identify one from the other.

It was so overwhelming that you began to cry softly. You buried your head into Donnie's shoulder, trying to ground yourself. Donnie held you tightly as you cried.

He would always be there for you. No matter what.

A/N: I live! I apologise for this chapter taking forever. I really don't have any excuse. My motivation for anything has died and I feel like I'm hanging on by a thread. I feel really bad for the lack of updates but I'll try to get back into writing.

I hope you enjoyed my poorly written chapter.
Stay safe and have a good day/night!

Stay safe and have a good day/night!

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