Part 2 ♡

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With a jerk, the car came to an halt arriving them to small home. Yn came out of her slumber due the jerk unknown where her fate taking. She stepped from the car welcomed with cold breeze of Seoul where she is going to make her own story. The old lady guided her into that the small cozy house which is the only shelter left for them to survive and lead their future. As they entered, Yn observed every corner of it which is filled with photographs of her father in his youth, her mothers, her grandparents with other unknown figures and herself. It is a one bedroom house with small open kitchen at left corner with dinning place at center and a drawing room at right of the entrance. The house smelt of a fresh fragrance as it appeared to be cleaned couple of hours ago.

"It is the home where me and your grandfather started our life" said Mrs. Choi is low breaking voice breaking back the young from her thoughts. : It is where I gave birth to my son, saw him growing..." the old lady broke into tears unable to contain her grief. Yn pulled her grandma into a warm hug rubbing her back to console her. She was unable to speak any word as she don't know how to console her. They walked to nearby sofa while being leaned on the young one. As they sat, the old lady raised her head and cupped her granddaughter looking sadly with falling tears before saying "Yn, my princess! You are the only one left from for me now child. You are my responsibility. I want to make strong to face this cruel world dear. We have to make our living this home. I know your new to this world, but I promise to make you strong enough to live here even alone. Promise me child, that you will stay strong and always be happy because this what your father and mother wanted you to be." pleaded Mrs. Choi. " Yes grandma, I will always fulfil my parents wish. If they want me be strong and happy. But without them I feel incomplete grandma...I feel abandoned...." Yn teared. "No my child, you are not abandoned. I'm always there for you and your parents they are always watching you from the sky as they become the most beautiful stars. Right? Then you should never feel alone. And there will be a person who will come to your life to fill the certain hole of loneliness, that person will protect from every evil of this world. But I want you to become independent and stand on your feet without being dependent for any shoulder in future. Will you become that Yn for me.. ah..?" Mr. Choi asked Yn with trembling lips. "Of course grandma... I will" Yn embraced the old lady with her unstoppable tears.

Later at night, the girl has gone into the deep slumber after her grandma's lullaby. Yes, Yn is very sensitive natured person, she is calm and understanding. Though she don't know her abilities, but her on curved smile can melt anyone's heart in a millisecond. She is diva with her natural beauty with innocent short figure though her eyes are shadowed with spectacles, but those dark brown eyes holds whole universe when peered through them. Caring her cheek, the old lady thought " I want you to be independent Yn because I don't know how long I will able to hold your hand my princess. I will make strong enough and this is my promise to myself. I wish god to send an angel to be with you as shadow, to shower you with eternal love my dear." with those thoughts Mrs. Choi spent her night.

Next Day Morning

"Yn dear, I want you to start working as you are graduated last month" said Mrs. Choi sipping her tea. Hearing those words, Yn stopped playing with her breaking and looked Mrs. Choi confusingly. "I know Yn, you don't know anything about this world. But I will explain you all about it. But first task for us is to explore this city. So get ready, we are going to shopping. Okay dear?" said the old lady with a small smile. " Okay grandma!" Yn gave a short reply with a nod still confused about what grandma implied to her.

Later that day, the two ladies roamed all over the city with old one explaining each and every facility, places, their uses and many more while young lady mentally nodded every detail carefully. They had their lunch at a restaurant where Yn amused by her surrounding how different people behaved and looked. She was new to this world but she is aware of somethings as her grandma and father educated her about them.

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