Part 4 ♡

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With a soft knock, Yn entered Mr. Jeon cabin. Roaming her eyes all around the cabin, she was quite astonished with the interior, it was like a whole different world until she was a tall and wide shouldered muscular figure backing face her. She quietly approaches him and robotically spells 

"Mr. Jeon?"

Jungkook Pov:

As usual day with loads of files and meetings....but today my mind was wandering around the person who have shown such unbelievable work......that too an intern....seriously!!

I have never encountered such a person....I have a doubt regarding this as my well experienced and qualified seniors would not resolve the issue how did she solve in just hours....So I wanted meet her...usually I never meet the staff here unless it is a meeting and imp call of reporting....but here I am meeting an Intern...lets see why am a bit curious about her....

Indulged in my thoughts looking the city, I heard a knock and asked the side of the door person to enter. Just then the door is opened and closed quickly. I can figure the slow steps towards me spreading the sweet lavender smell creating a serene atmosphere around me...and then a soft voice interrupted me 

"Mr. Jeon?"

And I turned around to witness the cutest creature with a very confident look I have never been intrigued by anyone before her. I know my heart have skipped a few beats but I composed and put my cold look and questioned

"Are you the new intern?"

"Yes Mr. Jeon. I am Yn. Joined as the intern."

"How long its been you have joined?"

With a neutral robotic expression she say, "It is my second day." 

I don't know but now I am very surprised how a intern on her second day can solve this... that too being this young ahhhh.....but I notice she is being anxious behind those eyes telling that I am suffocating I really reading her dark green eyes which can pull anyone's attention...

Sensing my own emotions captivating by her, I just wanted to test her...yeah I wanted to test because i can't believe she will be able to do that job...I am sure someone must have helped so I enquired in very cold tone

"Getting into the point, who helped you to solve the program?"

Her expression changed into hurt not understanding I'm asking her such

"Mr. Jeon. ahh..I have done one have helped me" she answered with her eyes behind her round spectacles welling up..

"Really, but don't believe it Ms. Yn. How can an intern who just joined the just a day ago can solve this issue which your well efficient seniors could resolve since a month you think we are fool...tell me who helped or who have sent you here...Is it Kim Chang...ah tell did you bribed much did he give you...tell me damn it?" banged the office table spelling loudly.

She immensely flinched at my act and the pearls which she held back  started to spell....

In that moment her eyes told me I have made a grave mistake which I never felt in my entire life on any of my acts or words...

"Look here and answer me who have helped you?" This time I calmly asked but she just hiccupped and stammered " one he. eh.helped me. I did...t..he wor..k...please me?" while looking to my eyes she almost whispered.

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