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Ethan's P.O.V

We entered the mansion and the first thing Alex did was shout at the staff

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We entered the mansion and the first thing Alex did was shout at the staff. He was literally loking so dangerous that the staff was begging for mercy.

And hot too....

Everyone paled in fear and bowed their heads. Creed and xavier were shocked to see this new side of Alex.

We settled grandma in her room and her medicines along with soup was given to her.

I was worried about work and wanted to go but couldn't leave grandma alone. Although we had servants here but still I was worried.

Alex was at office as he had some urgent work to finish.

Grandma wanted me to go but I refused her.

I was having a thought I shouldnt have I was thinking about leaving my job at the café.

I know it's stupid but I don't know why I got that thought. But I'll talk to Alex about it.

Right now it's 9:00 and everyone is sleeping but I'm waiting for Alex as I know he's gonna be late.

I gave grandma her medicines and made her go to sleep as she was already weak and I don't wanna stress or tire her out anymore.

Right now I'm making fettuccine alfredo with Sautéed Garlic Green Beans.

Alex's thoughts came in my mind and I started blushing all of a sudden. He's here even though he's not. We're taking our relationship to the next level slowly because of my trust issues and Alex seems to respect that. I love him so much.

By now the smell of the food was throughout the house. The door opened and Alex walked in with a smile on his fave all active. From where does he get so much energy? I smiled back.

"Something smells good" he said entering the kitchen

"Yeah I made dinner"

He came closer and kissed my cheek, forehead and finally leaving a soft quick kiss on my lips.

I blushed.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him

"I'm famished" he said licking his lips.

"Go freshen up while I set the dinner" I said and went in to bring the plates and bowls and spoons

"We have servants for that" he said

"Yeah but I already gave them an off for the day and besides you're not gonna call them at this hour" I said

He made a face and went in to go freshen up.

A few minuets later I was all done and Alex came out looking fresh.


I bit my lower lip.

"Don't, those are for me to bite" he said pulling my lip out with his thumb and gently caressing its sides sending shivers down my spine. His one touch is enough for me to shudder.

"Alex we sh-should e-eat" I said pulling face away. One more minute and we both would end up kissing and this dinner would turn into something else. Which I wouldn't mind. Dirty mind.

He looked annoyed and I chuckled.

He took the first bite and moaned.

"I'm assuming you like it" I said with a raised eyebrow.

"Liked, I loved it flower" he said

I blushed and he let out a laugh. Some time after we were done eating and cleaned up.

I was washing the dishes when I felt two arms wrapping around my waist from behind.

"I love you" he whispered in my ear and kissed it.

I lay my head back on his chest "I love you too"

Closing my eyes I let the feeling of emotions pass through me.

He picked me up in his arms and a squeek left my mouth.

"Alex what are you doing?" I said


Without anymore arguments I kept my head on his chest. I was too tired to say anything. I guess yesterday and today really affected me.

He entered the room and gently laid me down on the bed and got under the covers.

He pulled me closer to him and intertwined our fingers. Our fingers molded together so perfectly. It was a perfect hold. His warm and long fingers were wrapped around mine in a protective way. It was almost as if he was trying to say something.

His fingers kept making circles on the back of my hand and I closed my eyes feeling the tingling yet pleasurable feeling flow through my hand.

"Alex what happens tomorrow?" I asked him

"We can't decide that" he said

"Promise me everything will be fine" I said, my nose pressed against his chest smelling his scent.

"I promise love" he said kissing my temple.

I drifted to sleep in the warmth of his arms.


Heyaaa!! How are you all?

So as per the schedule here is the second chapter. Did you all like it? Comment and let me know.

Also guys after this update you might not get an update this Saturday and next week cause my schedule is so damn busy all week. I have so many projects and homework and what not. So it will take time to do all this and I also have to write the chapters, so have to take out time for that also. But I will keep updating you with messages to ease your worries and questions.

Also pls pls comment and give me your opinions and suggestions. To the silent readers also pls pls comment. That will for sure lessen my stress. Give me your lovely support.

Love you all

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