Clint x M!Reader

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Note: This story is similar/inspired by @ObsESsed_MaRVel_faN
Love your work!

Talk of suicide, suicidal thoughts, homophobia, use of f-slur, death
(I would like to note that I do not like the use of any slurs. To clarify, I am pansexual and trans!)

Please talk to someone if you feel suicidal. This will be a very angsty one shot.

Bloody Stain- Clint Barton x Suicidal!Male!Reader

~15 years ago~

"Mom? Dad?"
"I'm gay."

I look up at them, hoping that they won't act out. I don't want to get kicked out but I'm old enough where if I need to I can leave.

"Get out."
"Get out. No son of mine is gay."

I start to cry. I never thought they would take it this badly.

"You have 10 minutes. I want you out of here. I never want to see your fucking face again."

She raises an arm but I quickly run upstairs and grab a bag. I'm getting out of here.

"Never come back here. I don't care if you fucking die."
"You're cut from the will."

I run out crying. This was the last thing that I needed to happen. I pull out my phone and call the one person I can always rely on.

"Hey dude-! Wait, are you crying? What happened?"
"Clint...t-they kicked me out..."
"Shit. Meet me at the park. I'll be there in 5 minutes."
"Can you p-please stay on call? I was already h-here when I called..."
"Yeah, just listen to me talk. Breathe in and out. Can you do that for me?"

~Time Skip to Present~
(You are 38, Clint is 40)

"Hey man! Nice to see you again."

I look up to see Clint walking up to me, arms out for a hug.
We end up doing out secret handshake instead. Tony walks in and rolls his eyes.

"Geez what are guys, 5?"
"Don't be jealous Tony! Just cause Y/N/N and I have a cool handshake and you don't have one doesn't mean you get to diss it!"
"Oh my god, Clint no. Peter has got to stop teaching you pop culture words."
"C'mon Y/N! It's too funny not to!"
"Alright lovebirds, I'm just here for some breakfast. Get back to whatever you two were doing before I got here."

I blush brightly and stutter out a response.

"W-we're not d-dating Stark!"

He rolls his eyes again before grabbing some toast and leaving back to his lab.
Clint sarcastically mocks him.

"I'm Tony Stark! I'm so cool cause I got a machine to do my work for me!"

I can't help but to laugh at this. It does sadden me to know that he'll never feel the same as I do. I know that he is interested in guys, he had a boyfriend for a few years before getting together with his now girlfriend.
I can't help but hope that he'll notice my feelings, but I've pretty much given up on that. The only real 'last hope' would be for them to break up. But I want what's best for Clint. And if he's happy with her, well...

"Y/N~ you awake? You're spacing out again. Seriously, you're getting almost has bad as Bucky at this rate."

I snap out of my thoughts and smile.

"Sorry, lost in thought."
"You sure? You've been doing that more often recently."
"Seriously Clint, I'm good. Wanna go train?
"Sure! I beat you this time!"
"Mhm. Sure~ that's what you say every time."

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