The beginning

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This is the first story I've written so sorry if it's bad. I'll try to come back to some chapters to improve them. So, here's my first chapter! Hope you like it!

h/c - hair color

e/c - eye color

y/n - your name

Narrator's POV

A young h/c girl with e/c is running with excitement through the city of pallet town in the Kanto region. She runs to her house and found her mother feeding the pokemon. "Mom look, Professor Oak is having a pokemon camp!", Y/n said handing her mother a flier.

"Can I go please?" Y/n said with puppy dog eyes. "Well, as long as you're on your best behavior and don't use your gift, it's ok with me," her mother said. "Yay! Thank you mom", Y/n said hugging her mother. "So the camp is in 2 weeks, you should start packing up some spare clothes," Y/n's mother said.

☆~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~☆

(2 weeks later)


I wake up at the sound of the Pidgey chirping. I look outside the window and saw a beautiful sunrise. "Y/n! Breakfast is ready!" My mother said. I go downstairs and sit at the table.

"Good morning Y/n," My mother said. "Good morning" I replied. "Do you remember what day is today?" My mother told me. "No" I replied. "Today is the day of professor Oak's pokemon camp". When I heard my mother say that I nearly choked on my pancakes.

"Mom hurry it's gonna be late!" I told my mother. "It's fine there is still a lot of time left," my mother said. "Go start getting ready," my mother said. I nodded. As I finished getting ready, my mom told me that I will be riding on her shiny Ponyta.

♡~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~♡

(At the pokemon camp)

As we arrived at the pokemon camp all the kids started petting my mother's Ponyta. But only one of them started asking me a lot of questions. "Why is it that color? Do you not get burned when you touch the mane? How fast is it?". But I didn't know how to reply, "umm...". Then my mother said, "Y/n I'm gonna leave now, so take care!". "Bye mom!" I said. "Bye!" My mother responded.

"Okay everyone gather around," Professor Oak said. Some time passed and a girl with maroon hair raised her hand and said, "Uh, Professor? Isn't it time to be on our way?". "Yes, but I am afraid we're still missing somebody" Professor Oak replied. "But they should have gotten here a long time ago," The girl said.

Then the professor said, "We're waiting on a lively young man who lives in the neighborhood." Professor Oak said sweat dropping "I know what! I bet he was so excited about our trip he couldn't sleep!" The boy next to the magenta-haired girl said throwing his arms up and down. "Kind of a simple-minded and less responsible guy, huh?", the boy said.

It looked like the professor was about to disagree but changed his mind. "You might have a point there? Huh? Wait. What was your name?" The professor asked. The boy gets a big smile and points to the maroon-haired girl.

"See, she invited me along. I'm Goh!" he said pointing to himself. "A friend of Chloe's?" The professor asked. "That's right. He comes to my dad's lab all the time, so I brought him." The girl said. "Oh? How's professor Cerise?" "Fine!" She responded.

"Can we go now? I want to see new pokemon" I asked professor Oak. "Delayed learning means delayed returning. That settles it! Let's be on our way!" The professor said and everyone cheered.

As we entered the forest the professor asked, "Who can tell me something about this pokemon?" The professor asked. "It's the cocoon pokemon kakuna!" I said at the same time as Goh did. "Oh, precisely"

Then, professor Oak asked a lot of other questions but I kept responding to him at the same time Goh did. Then that's when Chloe came to me and said, "Hello I didn't see you there, my name is Chloe". "Hello, my name is Y/n". "When did you learn all of that," Chloe asked. "Oh! It's because at my house we have a lot of books about pokemon," I replied.

Then all of a sudden a boy popped out of nowhere and yelled at me, "Hello! I'm Goh what's your name?" "Oh! Ummm... m-my n-name is Y-Y/n" You replied stuttering. "Oh sorry about that I just get so excited easily," Goh said. "It's ok" I replied.

As we were talking about pokemon we heard something. We run towards the sound and found two pokemon fighting. "It's a Nidoking!" Goh said. "Hold on". "Who's that Pokemon?" Goh asked.

The Nidoking used an attack but the other pokemon just vanished and then reappeared. "Your kidding!" shouts Goh. Then the pokemon kept doing the same thing over and over until the Nidoking fainted.

I ran towards the Nidoking and used a max potion to heal it. Then I heard a voice saying 'Thank you'. I replied 'your welcome'. Then that's when we started heading back to the group.

When we got back to the group we explained everything that happened to professor Oak and he said that the pokemon could have been mew. "An extremely rare pokemon?", Chloe asked. "Awesome! Mew's the ultra-awesome pokemon. Man, I want to be ten years old now so I can become a pokemon trainer. So cool. Then I'll be able to catch that mew, the ultra-awesome pokemon!"

What will be in store for Y/n? Will she be able to master her powers and see her new friends again? As the journey continues!

Pokemon Journeys (Goh x reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now