Ivysaur's Mysterious Tower!

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(At night)

I woke up and felt someone was moving around so much under my bed, so I used my psychic power to float under my bed to see who was moving so much. Then, I noticed that Goh was sweating a lot, probably having a nightmare. I was shaking him so he would wake up. "Goh, snap out of it," I said until he finally woke up. "don't worry it was just a nightmare, nothing was real," I told him as he fell back asleep.

Just as I was about to go back up on my bed, I felt someone grabbing my hand and pulling me back. I turned around and it was Goh, then I felt my face heat up. I had no other choice but to sleep with him. I lay down and then Goh wrapped his arms around me. After that, I turned as red as a tomato. After a long time, I finally slept.

☆~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~☆

(In the morning)

I woke up and the sun was hitting my face. I turned around and my face started to burn again, Goh's face was just one inch away from mines. I tried to back away slowly not to wake him up, but Goh would pull me in closer. Then an alarm sounded and Goh turned off the alarm. "Hey, Ash, Y/n, it's morning already," he said. "Got it," Ash said.

Then Goh opened his eyes, his face was a blushing mess. "What are you doing here!?" Goh yelled at me. "I-It's not what you think it is!" I said as I started to explain what happened. "At night, I woke up because you kept moving around, so I woke you up then, you slept. When I was about to go back to my bed, you grabbed my hand and I couldn't go back because I didn't want to wake you up, so I just slept on your bed". I explained to him all startled. "Oh, I'm sorry!" he said. "It's okay, I should probably wake Ash up again," I said as I went down the ladder.

◇~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~◇

"Is it all you can eat?" Ash said as I looked at the food in amazement. "What else, Ash? Don't forget our special status here. We're this lab's three and only official research fellows!" Goh said. "I like the way that sounds!" Ash said. "Yeah, right?" Goh question. "Huh? Pokemon food, too!" Ash exclaimed. Then, I took out my pokemon so they could eat.

After that, we sat at the table to eat breakfast. Ash was telling us a story but I wasn't even paying attention, I was scrolling down on my phone. "Mh, thing is, I really didn't know if I should use Electroweb or not, but then I thought using Thunderbolt would be the best choice, right, buddy?" Ash said.

Then, suddenly I heard a bark, so I turn around. "Professor Cerise!" Goh exclaimed. "Good morning!" Cerise said. "Good morning Professor!" we all replied in unison. "Good morning Chloe!" I said. "Morning!" She replied. "Did you sleep well?" Cerise asked. "Just like a log!" Ash replied. "And all of this food! This place is the best!" Goh said.

"Ash has been chowing down since we woke up," Goh said. "Yeah, I have. You got me! But you have, too," Ash said laughing. "Guess so" Goh replied. "See you later!" Chloe said. "Right You take care!" Cerise said. "You could sit and eat with us. You know that, right?" Goh offered. "I've already eaten," Chloe replied. "Besides, I'll be late for school," she said walking off. "Bye Chloe!" I said.

"See you later," Professor Cerise said. "I'll go with you!" Goh said. "Me, too!" Ash and I said as I returned my pokemon to their poke balls. Then, we walk to the lab. "I'm sorry!" I heard someone yell as he was panting behind us. "My bus got caught in a huge traffic jam," he said as he laughed sheepishly. "I guess I haven't had the chance to formally introduce you all, have I?" Cerise asked.

"Hey there, I'm Ren," he said chuckling. "And I have one more assistant. Her name is-" "Chrysa" she said cutting him off. "It looks like the cause of that traffic jam is already in the news," she said as a screen appeared showing ivysaurs. "Ivysaur!" we all exclaimed in unison. "You mean there's been a mass outbreak of Ivysaur?" Goh asked.

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