Hello Old Friend!

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I just woke up and I was really tired. I got up and went down the ladder to get my clothes. Then, I went straight to the bathroom. I had just changed into comfortable clothes and finished brushing my teeth. Just as I was about to go to the kitchen, to get something to eat, Ash and Goh entered. "Morning!" I said. "Morning," they both replied. Then, I went to the kitchen.

I walked down the hallway until I got to the kitchen table. I sat down and checked my phone. While I was checking my phone, Mimey gave me breakfast. "Thank you," I said. "Mime Mime!" Mimey replied. I put my phone down and started to eat the food Mimey had given me. Once I finished breakfast I went to wash my dishes and got back to the table.

"Hi!" I said as Goh sat down at the table. "How are you?" I asked. "I'm fine," he said as he got on his phone. I scrolled down my phone and noticed someone just texted me, but I decided to check it later. I looked in front of me and saw Mimey giving an imaginary drink to Goh. "Thank you," Goh said grabbing the cup and then realizing there wasn't anything on the table.

"Morning, Mimey," Ash said sitting down on the chair, he looked like he didn't have any energy left. "Are you okay, Ash?" I asked him. "I'm still all wobbly," Ash said. "Let me help," I said walking toward Ash. I laid my hands on top of his head and used Heal Pulse to cure him. "Do you feel better?" I asked. "I don't feel dizzy anymore! Thanks Y/n!" Ash exclaimed. "No problem," I said.

"We've gotta go now!" Goh exclaimed as he ran towards the lab. "Huh? Goh!" Ash and I said. "Let's follow him," I said. "I haven't even had breakfast," Ash said. "Let's go!" I said dragging Ash to the laboratory. "But I'm hungry," Ash whined. "Hurry up you can eat later!" I yelled struggling to drag Ash to the lab.

It took a while but I managed to drag Ash all the way to the laboratory. "Professor Cerise!" I yelled. "Good morning all of you," Cerise said. "Look! This data! It's about a phenomenon where Pokemon grow giant-sized!" Goh said. "Whoa! That sounds totally awesome!" Ash exclaimed. "Oh, do you mean Gigantamax Pokemon?" I said. "Yeah, how did you know?" Goh asked.

"The thing is I'm originally from the Galar region," I said. "Really? I thought you were from Pallet Town," Goh said. "We moved to Pallet Town when I was 5 years old," I explained "Oh," Goh said. "Also, it's common to see Gigantamax Pokemon in Galar. You can see them mostly in battles but also sometimes in the wild," I said.

"Please, Professor? I wanna go and check it out!" Ash asked. "Me, too!" Goh said. "I suppose. This is a good opportunity to go and see those giant-sized Pokemon for yourself. That experience will stay with you forever," Cerise said. "All right!" the boys yelled. "Just you wait Galar region!" Ash said. "Can't wait to go back home," I said.

(In the airplane)

Goh's POV

I was looking out the window. I was really bored and both Ash and Y/n were sleeping. I grabbed my phone to check the time. Just as I was about to turn on my phone, I felt someone laying on my shoulder. I turned around and saw Y/n was the one laying on my shoulder. I stared at Y/n and blushed.

'Why is my face turning red?' I asked myself. I looked at Y/n again and attempted to lean on her head. 'What am I doing!?' I said in my head as I stopped myself. Then Ash woke up. "Are we here yet?" he asked. "Y-Yes," I said. Then, Ash pushed me back on my seat looking out the window. "Wow!" he said. I got annoyed and pushed him a bit to see out the window.

I saw Galar right below us. "Can't wait to get there!" Ash exclaimed. Then the pilot announced to put our seatbelts on since we were about to start descending. We both sat back down on our seats and put on our seat belts. I looked toward Y/n and realized she was still sleeping and didn't have her seatbelt on.

Pokemon Journeys (Goh x reader) DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now