Legends? Go! Friends? Go!

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Hello! Sorry if the first chapter was really short. This time I made it a bit longer. I hope you enjoy it!

y/n - your name

h/c - hair color

e/c - eye color

(Present day)

Y/n's POV

I was waiting for my best friend but he wasn't showing up. Professor Oak gave me an invitation to Professor Cerise's new laboratory and I was excited. I waited for a bit longer but I couldn't wait anymore so, I decided to go check on him and see if he was ready. I knocked on the door and was greeted by Delia.

"Hi Y/n, if you're looking for Ash he should be ready unless he's still sleeping," Delia said. "Ok thanks" I replied. I knock on the door but no one answered so I entered his room. Then I see Pikachu trying to wake up Ash. So, I decided to help Pikachu out. I take out my Raboot as I start giving orders. "Pikachu use thunderbolt! Raboot kick a rock to Ash!" I whispered-screamed. 'ok' said the both, as they aimed for Ash and attacked. "Hey! What was that for?" said Ash. "Hurry or we'll be late," I told him. "Oh right, I almost forgot!" He said.

We ran and ran till we finally made it to professor Oak's lab. "Professor Oak!" We both said panting. "Oh, it's you, Ash, and Y/n!" Oak said. "What did you wanna talk to me about?" Ash said. "You don't know?" I asked. "The professor only told me to come here," Ash said. "A protege of mine has just opened a brand-new research facility in Vermilion City," Oak said.

"A new research lab?" Ash asked. "Mm-hmm. And I was hoping to invite you and Y/n to the opening ceremony" professor Oak explained. "You both will come, won't you?" He asked. "Sure!" Ash and I said at the same time. "You'll come, too right?" Ash asked Pikachu. "I'd love to!" Someone said. "Huh?" We all said in unison as we turn around. 'Hello!' said Mimey. "Mom!" Ash said whining. "I came to deliver your lunch, but what a great idea!" said Delia.

"All those delicious sweet shops and big fashion boutiques in Vermilion City," Delia said. "Hold on, you're not saying you're coming with us," Ash said. "Let's get rolling!" Delia said with excitement already in the car. "Let's go!" I said excitedly running towards the car. "Fine" Ash replied as he got in the car reluctantly.

☆~~~~~~~~Time Skip~~~~~~~~☆

"We're here!" Professor Oak said as we all got out of the car. "I'll go park the car. You two go on ahead" He said. "Right!" we both said as we ran up the stairs. Then we saw a dog-looking Pokemon. "Who's that?" Ash asked as the pokemon was barking at us. "Wow! A Pokemon I've never seen before!" Ash said. "It's a Yamper," I said as he ignored me.

"You're such a cutie! What's your name?" He said. "I think you should stay back," I said as he ignored me once again. "Aw, let me pet you just a little!" he said. "I won't hurt you!" Ash said crawling towards it. "See? Got ya now!" Ash said hugging it tight. "Aw!" Ash said nuzzling the poor Yamper.

Just as you were about to tell him to stop again, he got electrified by the Yamper. "Told you so," I said as I went upstairs. Just as I was about to open the door, the Yamper started to bark at me. 'Intruder! Intruder!' said the Yamper. 'Hello, my name is Y/n. I just came here for the ceremony. I promise I won't harm anyone you're trying to protect' I said using telepathy. 'Okay... but I'll be watching you' said Yamper.

Then I heard a very familiar voice, "Hello, Yamper, I'm home! Huh?". We stared at each other for a long time until I decided to speak first. "Hello I'm Y/n, what's your name?" I asked her. "My name is Chloe," She said. "Chloe!? Wait did you go to professor Oak's pokemon camp?," I asked her. "yes, wait are you the Y/n that healed up the Nidoking?" she questioned. "Yes, I am! I missed you so much!" I said as I hugged her.

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