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The three Fatgum students were in Eijiro's back yard looking over each others cards

"Hey Eijiro, what's this link at the bottom" Azumi asked while staring down at his slip of cardstock paper

The red head leaned over to glance at his own card "oh, that's a video of mine and Katsuki's fight. The extra assignment is to review the fight then right and essay about what we did wrong and what we could've done to pass" he said

Nodding along Azumi said it wasn't that bad of an assignment compared to what she was told about the 5 nights of classes from the previous year

Not long later the three started their training. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu were instructed to work on combo's, a bit more technique compared to their usual fury of punches

While Azumi was instructed to try and increase how far she can make shields and how long they can stay up

"I feel like UA forgot my shields stay up as long as I have energy. I'll always get tired eventually" she complained

Neither of her work out partners were exactly smart but they did know about fitness "just increase your cardio and physical strength, you'll get tired slower" Tetsu said

"I can give you some exercises, unless you have some already" Her redheaded boyfriend offered

She gladly excepted his help, so for the next 5 minutes her and Tetsu stretched while Kiri made a list of cardio and strength building exercises that require no machines or weights

When he finished, he handed the paper to the hazel eyed girl. Looking at it she groaned then walked to one end of the yard. She sprinted to the deck stairs then back, then to the end of the deck then to the end of the yard. Stoping to touch the ground at every marker she set. 'Ugh, man-makers'

"Are you trying to torture her?" The metal head asked his best friend. The two chuckled then began their workout. To start, they were practicing different kicks, hardening at the last second for higher impact, also allowing for better movement

What were they kicking? A large Sakura tree trunk that had a scratched up protective mat around it

From the window's that looked out to the backyard Hanaki and Ayame watched in amazement "we should make them snacks"

"And drinks" Hanaki added

The two girls entered the kitchen. Ayame began making a large dish of various fruits with a yogurt dip in the middle while Hanaki made a sweet lemonade with really lemon slices in it and ice

Bringing out cups and plates they set everything in the shaded deck

"If you guys need a break we have snacks for you" the youngest sister shouted over the music that was playing

Azumi stopped when she got back to her starting point, hands on her knees bent over panting. The boys both paused to see the fruit and lemonade "THANK YOU!" They all shouted

Working out in the burning Japan summer made them thirty. Azumi, being the closest, got to the lemonade first and poured herself a full glass. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu doing the same after

From afar it would look like they were having a chugging contest with how fast they downed their drinks

"Holy, I'll go make some more amd get you all some water bottles" Ayame said, pushing her younger sister inside so they could get more cold refreshments for the hard working students

"We better get back, we didn't do much before they gave us snacks" Tetsu said after swallowing a strawberry

The couple agreed and went back to their work. Azumi was done with man-makers for now and decided to move onto the next exercise.

'Risistence dashes-' "Eijiro Kirishima!" She shouted

The red head stopped mid kick. "Yes? D-did I do something wrong?" He asked, cautiously walking towards his girlfriend

She huffed "yes. Why are you trying to kill me! This list is impossible, I'm Tiny Compared To You!" She said while shaking his shoulders once he got within her reach

He rubbed the back of his neck " yeah I know... You can start light. You don't have to do weighted bag, maybe just a parachute" he said

She crossed her arms "does it look like I have a parachute? I didn't drop into you backyard" she sassed

Eijiro shook his head with a smile "I know, Zumi. My mom has one in the garage" he said

Together they walked to his garage, entering through the back door. On a low shelf their was a box labeled 'Parachute'. Kirishima grabbed it and pulled out a light blue and white parachute

When they got back to the backyard, the two boys tied the giant piece of fabric to her

"Now run against the wind!" He patted her on the shoulder before going back his own training with tetsutetsu

Moving on from kicking the two boys started sparing. They used a good mix of punches, kicks, and perries. Kirishima and Tetsutetsu spar all the time but the difference between this and their usual was the fact that neither was using the quirk over the whole body the entire time, only where it was needed for blocking and maximum impact

The training day came to an end when Mama Kirishima returned home and offered rides to her sons friend and girlfriend

"Yes please! I'm exhausted" the metal boy said while using a towel to wipe his face. The mother looked to Azumi but the hazel eyed girl shook her head "there's no need, my house is far and my mom is coming to pick me up" she politely declined

Tetsutetsu hugged his friends goodbye then left with Sakura to go home

"When's your mom gonna get here?" Eijiro asked while leading Azumi into the air conditioned house. They both let out audible sighs when they felt the cool air on their sweaty skin

"Not for about another 25-30 minutes. I hope that's ok?" She asked while looking slightly down

The red head raised her chin with his thumb. He had a soft smile while he stared down at her, slightly shaking his head "of course its ok, why wouldn't it be?" He asked, but it was a rhetorical question

Azumi could only stare into his ruby red eyes. His gentle touch had her frozen in time. She subconsciously leaned up onto her tippy toes while he leant down

"Hey! You two, not while I'm cooking alright?" Karoi called from the kitchen, the couple was infront of the wide open door yet failed to notice her presence "go watch a show or something. Or shower"

The teens shook their heads and walked to the livingroom. Hanaki was in there watching a newer anime, Buddy Daddies, while layed across the couch

"Geez Hanaki! Wear clothes that fit!" Eijiro shielded his eyes. The model was wearing just a sports bra that's probably a size too small and tiny sleeping shorts that might as well be underwear. While covering his eyes he also grabbed Azumi and pulled her into his chest

"Shut up Eiji, everything that needs to be is covered. Plus its your girlfriend, not a guy friend" she argued, sitting up to make room for the two on the couch

Azumi pulled away from his embrace "Its fine Eiji, what I wear around the dorms isn't much different, and lots of the girls wear stuff like that. Have you seem Momo's hero costume?" She said with a little laugh to lighten the tension between the brother sister pair

"At least you wear a full length shirt and your shorts cover everything" he huffed but took a seat on the couch anyways. The chestnut haired girl took a seat in the middle, resting her hand on Kirishima's knee and giving it a squeeze

Hanaki poked her side "he's only grouchy like this because his friends think I'm hot" she joked. Eijiro leaned forward to scowel at his older sister

Azumi's mouth madr the shape of an 'o' as she nodded "mhm... So what anime is this? What's it about?" She asked

Hanaki then went on to explain the concept of two assasins taking in a little girl and trying to care for her

After a short while Azumi's phone buzzed in her tights pocket. She realised her mom was here. She said bye to Hanaki and gave her boyfriend a kiss on the cheek "see you tomorrow or the next day, Eiji" she waved and walked out the front door

Transfer (Kirishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now