Part 5: Dizzy Spell

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Sparkle and Isaac were at the ground floor on their second day, they went up to Olan to ask what they were doing today.
"Come with me you two," Olan waved his wing towards the stairs, "I'll show your assignment."
They headed up and instead of taking a right, they went to the left side. Where, on the wall, was another bulletin board.
"Um, what's this?" Isaac asked.
"The board you see here are outlaw Pokémon." Olan simply answered. "They're all shady characters and they are wanted for committing crimes."
"What?!" Sparkle gasped. "You want us to go out there and catch these....crooks?!"
"Well you also get a reward, meaning cash, if you catch them." Olan said.
"Oh sure that helps." Sparkle mumbled to Isaac, implying that about the 10% they get, and Isaac rolled his eyes.
Olan didn't seem to hear and continued, "There are so many aggressive Pokémon around these days that everyone's finding it hard to keep up with the problem."
"So you want us to do it?" Isaac asked. "How is it our problem when it's not our fault that the law hasn't caught them? I rather do missions, than catch outlaws who can be stronger than me, or us. It's impossible to catch someone who's stronger than you."
"Well not all of them are bad, they come in all shades of badness." Olan explained. "Some of those Pokémon are completely wicked, through and through. However there are also bad Pokémon who are merely petty thieves. So you've got evil to naughty and everything in between." Olan smiled, "So I'm sure we can avoid giving you two a job catching a super bad Pokémon. Heehee." He giggled.
"That's not very funny." Isaac whispered to Sparkle, and Sparkle only nodded, looking at the board.
"So look over these posters, then pick a Pokémon that looks weak enough for you to bring justice! And this is all part of training. You'll have to work through it, and I'm sure you will." Then he looked a bit worried about something. "But then again, you should prepare for a tough opponent and I forgot to show you guys around town."
"Town?" Sparkle asked.
"Yes, so I'll have one of our explorers to give you two a tour of the facilities in town." Olan turned and shouted. "BB! Come here pleased!"
"Yup! Yup! Coming!" A voice sounded downstairs and a Bidoof appeared. Which Isaac and Sparkle saw him around, but didn't know him too well. "I came as fast as I could! What do you need? Yup! Yup!"
"BB, these two are the new recruits that joined us. Take them ad show them around town please."
BB looked excited, "Yes sir! By golly, I'll do it. Yup yup!"
"I'm sure you three have met," Olan said, "but BB is our latest member before you. I want you to pay attention to what he has to say and follow his orders. Off you go now!" Olan hopped away downstairs.
"Aw, shucks, I'm so overjoyed." BB was a bit teary eyed with joy, and he turned to look at them. "I'm glad to have members junior to me. I'm almost overcome right now...I might just explode with happiness! Before you both signed on, I was the most recent rookie. And it wasn't fun being the only one younger and weaker than the rest."
"Yeah, but that's not fun." Sparkle said
BB blushed, "Yeah...." Then shook his head. "Well, I'd best show you around. Come with me please! Yup yup!"
BB started to head downstairs, but Isaac stopped him. "Um...We've seen everything downstairs. The rooms, the Guildmaster's Chamber, dining hall, and Tox's cauldron thingy. How about we show Sparkle the town instead. She's already seen the beach as well. So I think it's best to just go to the Town."
"Oh....Ok, sure." BB said. "That makes things a bit easier for me. Yup yup!"
The trio headed outside and headed towards the right and headed into a small town. BB led them to the middle of a small section of the town and Sparkle already saw a few places, but she wasn't sure what they were. She saw a few Pokémon as well.
"Ok, this is the main square for the local Pokémon," BB told them, "It's called Treasure Town."
Isaac interrupted. "I can help out with this, I know the town as well." Isaac pointed towards a small black building with a Duskull shaped themed and a Duskull sitting behind the counter. "That is Duskull Bank, Sparkle. You can save our money there, which we should start doing."
He turned towards an empty building with an Electivire theme, "That's Electivire Link Shop. I think it has something to do with linking moves, but I'm not really sure what it is. I never really been there. And looks like Electivire isn't there either. And follow me there's further down."
Isaac lead Sparkle and BB passed a small little bridge and Sparkle saw more buildings. "There is the Kecleon Market. It's pretty much where you can buy and even sell unused items. And there is the Kangaskhan Storage," Isaac pointed at a Kangaskhan themed building, "pretty much to the name, you can store items that we want to save and if we faint in a dungeon, we won't lose them."
"Oh cool." Sparkle was impressed.
"And there's also Marowak's Dojo, but that's closed I heard," Isaac explained, "and Chansey's Egg Care and Xatu's Appraisal. Which they're all closed and been closed for a few weeks. Which I believe that's it." Isaac finished.
"Wow, did you live around here, Isaac?" BB asked.
"Yeah," Isaac nodded.
"Well, if you can help Sparkle around, I'll leave you two alone to gather a few things and I'll help you find a good and easy outlaw for you two." BB smiled. "Meet you back at the Guild."
"Thanks, you've been helpful, BB and very nice." Sparkle smiled, happily.
"G-golly, you're embarrassing me!" BB turned away blushing, but happily. "Aw, shucks. I'll see you guys later." BB bounded away, waving before leaving and disappeared in the distance.
"Well, let's get set up." Isaac said.
"What do we need for the mission?" Sparkle asked. "Last time we didn't really need anything, and I did find some items in that dungeon."
"That's good, but I like to see what the market is offering." Isaac told her. "Let's check that out."
Sparkle nodded. "Alright!"

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