Kamaji and Lin/1016\

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I made it all the way down the stairs and opened a green door feeling a bunch of heat blow into my face entering the room I walk to the end of the small hallway to see a man crushing some herbs into a small bowl and the small balls of soot working hard placing a lump of Cole in the fire Kamaji opens a jar with a pinkish almost magenta colored herb then closes it and puts the herb into the mix crushing it with the others he grabs onto the bath token and it lifts up into the air I watch as the balls of soot and Kamaji work fascinated by how controlled it was and the soot balls were actually cute suddenly gas escaped from a heater making me gasp slightly startled by the sudden hiss of the heater I look back at Kamaji as he works in silence after a bit he bangs his hammer on the stone wall which is where his bowl rested making all the soot balls retreat into the little wholes under the thousands of drawers of herbs I slowly approach him

Me: hello-?

He looks towards me

Me: excuse me..?

He grabs a golden kettle and puts the spout to his mouth drinking the liquid which I presumed was water until I smelled it's bitter scent it was gin an alcoholic drink that I knew from my dad was really bitter he swallowed it and continued to look back at the crushed herbs sweeping them down a shoot

Me: hello Kamaji?

Kamaji: eh-..?

He looks at me again then leans in closer I flush from embarrassment 'I probably look so stupid right now...'

Me: Kohaku told me to come here and ask for work could you give me a job please?

Suddenly a bell rings and four tokens fall infront of his workspace he looks towards them and collects them all in his hands

Kamaji: four bath tokens at once...?!

He then grabs his hammer and slams it against the metal wheel he was spinning earlier

Kamaji: come on you little runts get to work!! Yeah I'm Kamaji...

He says finally answering me

Kamaji: slave to the boiler who heats the baths..! Move it you stupid soot balls!

Me: please I've gotta get a job here!!

Kamaji: I don't need any help the place is full of soot... I just cast a spell on them and I've got all the workers I need..!

I look back at the little wholes watching as the balls of soot each of them carrying a lump of coal as they exit the small tunnel

I move out of the way hiding next to Kamaji workspace only to have one of the balls of soot complain about where I was I look down at it and say

Me: o-oh I'm sorry!

Then start to carefully move towards the drawers suddenly Kamaji reaches towards me I move to sit on the step on my right pulling my knees towards my chest I watch with a smile on my face as the soot balls work fascinated by how they can just do this everyday suddenly one of the balls of soot drops the lump of coal it was carrying and it struggled until it didn't move anymore I look at Kamaji then pick up the lump of coal bringing towards the boiler placing it inside the flames then walk back towards the wall next to Kamajis work space a bead of sweat running down my forehead the other soot balls looked at me and continues to work I smiled and waved at each one as they pass me

Kamaji: you know you can't just take someone else's job if you do that ball of soot will turn back into just soot try finding somewhere else to work...

Some of the soot balls were now scolding me when honestly I didn't do anything wrong

Kamaji: you soot balls got a problem get back to work!!

Suddenly the door opens and I hear a familiar females voice

Lin: chow time..! Are you guys fighting again?

She approaches how do I knew her voice was getting a little louder

Lin: where's your other bowl?? From yesterday..? I keep telling you to leave it out Kamaji...

She says and brings the little candies out for the soot balls once she spots me she gasps

Lin: what are you-? Everyone here is looking for you do you understand that?!

Kamaji: she's my great niece...

Lin: great niece...?!

I knew Kamaji was making that up but the role was grand daughter did that mean I'm Chihiros reincarnation most likely

Kamaji: she's looking for work here in the bathhouse I told her I already have the help I need could you take her to Yubaba she's a determined one I think she can handle it...

Lin glares at Kamaji with a stern gaze he then gets into his pocket and holds out a roasted nute

Kamaji: how about I give you a roasted nute..? It's a good one. If you want a job you'll want to see Yubaba and make a deal with her she's the head honcho around here...

Lin: give me that..!

Lin snatches the nute from his hand and looks at me and sighs then dumps the bucket I presume it is of candies over the soot balls then holds her hand out to me

Lin: come on then.

I nod and go towards the edge taking off my shoes and socks leaving them with the balls of soot

Lin: can't you manage a yes ma'am or a thank you..?

Me: oh thank you Lin...

I mumble her name

Lin: huh-?

Me: n-nothing thank you though..!

I walk with her towards the area she entered only for her to whisper

Lin: thank the boiler man you idiot he's really going all out for you...

I nod and get out of the small nook the door was in getting on my knees and bowing my head to Kamaji

Me: thank you so much Kamaji..!

Kamaji: good luck!

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