Chapter IX: Fashionably Ruining a Ball

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The next morning, Kamari woke up to the sound of children running through the halls. She only got 2 hours of sleep that night because the wind was bad last night. She opens her door and heads to the kitchen, almost getting knocked over by children. She entered the kitchen to see a teen cooking. She heads towards him and asks
"Excuse me, have you seen Freya?"
The boy looks up at her
"Yeah she is in the dining hall waiting for breakfast which you should be in there too." he says impatiently. She nods and heads to the dining hall. There were 5 children sitting at the table. Kamari spots Freya and walks over to her. She spots a kid clinging onto the side of Freya. Freyr notices Kamari first and buries his head further into Freya's collarbone. Freya notices this and looks up.
"Oh, Good Morning beautiful, How did you sleep?" Freya asks
"Good, I got two hours of sleep," Kamari says while sitting beside her. Freya's chuckles and Kamari expression changed to confusion.
"Oh you're being serious."
Kamari nods and as soon as she does a voice yelled
"BREAKFAST BREAKFAST IS SERVED!" Ivar yells down the halls, knocking on doors.
Some teens and children exit their rooms and so did Three and Nixon. All of them look like zombies walking to the table.

After breakfast Freya's father pulls Nixon, Three, and Kamari aside to talk about the dance. He explains their outfits and how they should act in front of the lords, queens, kings, dukes, etc mostly to Three and Nixon.
"Yes sir, but I have no control of what they say," Nixon says, pointing at Three.
"Hey! I'll have you know I've been behaving myself this week," Three huffs at Nixon.
Finally the time of the dance arrives. Everyone is super excited, even Kamari.
They all put on their designated outfits for the dance. All three of them exit their rooms at the same time. Nixon was the first to step out and Three followed close behind him. Then Kamari exited her room. Nixon was wearing a dark blue button-down suit that was laced with golden trimmings and a blue and white  patterned fox shaped mask on his face. Three were wearing a dark green over suit, gray undersuit, with a white dress shirt underneath, black slacks, and black combat boots. They had their hair up in a ponytail with a flower and leaf ring headpin. Their mask was to the side of their face. It was a heart style with a feather on the top right side, it made silver accents, music sheet base, and it was connected by a silver ribbon. Lastly was Kamari, she was wearing a off-white mermaid style dress, a light u shape neckline, embroidered beads, light terrain, double layered at the bottom, and was connected with thin straps. She had neck jewelry on and makeup on. She was wearing a white heart style mask,with lace flowers and pearls, also there were pearls underneath her mask's eyes. Her hair was put into a formal messy bun, she had two strands of her hair out of the bun and to the side of her face.

"Three," Kamari gasps, "Is that you?" she asks
"Ha ha, yes it's me," Three says sarcastically.
"Not even going to lie. You my friend have it going on," Nixon complemented Three.
"Like when I mean got it going on I mean you look luxurious. Almost like a silk pair of sheets with the right amount of spice," Nixon weirdly explained.
"Then that is what I should be called, Lux," Lux exclaimed to the three of them, putting their hands on their hips.
"But what ki-," Kamari was cut off.
"Shhh, don't ruin this moment for me," Lux snapped out of nowhere.  The general appears down the hall.
"Are you three all ready?" He asks politely.
They all three nod and follow him to the ballroom. The ballroom was very spacious and almost completely marbleed. The center of the room has people dancing and singing with a golden reflection from the floor as they waltzed the night away. To the left and right of the ballroom were tables and bars for an extra addition of excitement and luxury. The king and the royal family were sitting towards the back of the room with nothing but joy and might with their postures and poses. As the three of them walked down the marble staircase with golden railing trumpets roared as a small skinny man introduced them to the crowd.
"Ladies and gentlemen now presenting the golden god himself who slaughtered intruders before their arrival of demise they were to set on our village. Next we have Lux, a noble warrior with blood to spill for they have killed the other intruders to protect us from destruction and death. And lastly but not least of all Kamari, who's the daughter of our biggest ally and has proved to be just like her," the announcer roared through a paper megaphone.
Kamari was reminded of her mother. It made her happy, but sad. The dancing crowd stopped in their tracks to applaud  the three heroes and their victories of gore.
"Kamari, do you want to explain why the psycho lady is staring at you ," Lux said in an almost jealous tone.
"Mind your business." Kamari says coldly and secretively
Lux turned and continued to walk with an empowered strut. Once they met the dance floor they were bombarded with several guests asking any questions about the night before. Kamari and Lux told the story they were told to say the night before, and Nixon couldn't say a word due to the fact of his golden state. The crowd finally moved when Lux locked eyes with their crush and his black suit with and off white lace to the collar. Their crush turned and walked to the bar with a shy but somewhat confident walk. Lux followed hoping to introduce themselves.
"So, you come here often," Lux smoothly said with no hesitation
"Um, yeah I kind of live here," Ivar said confused and a little annoyed.
"I'm sorry that was too strong, I'm not good at this stuff," Lux said sheepishly.
"Look I'm going to keep it straight with you, you aren't my type, I'm not into that stuff anyway, and quite frankly you are just too much for me to handle. So thanks but no. So get out of my face and walk away," Ivar said, annoyed.
"You fucking asshole. I said one thing to you. I could beat you up so hard your own father doesn't recognize you. So no I will not walk away, and no I will not get out of your face you entitled bitch," Lux screamed furiously!
Angry, Ivar walked off. A mysterious figure then decided to walk up to Lux. He was wearing a red suit with a horned mask.
"You know people with that much anger shouldn't be at a party full of assholes like him," The mysterious figure said grinning from ear to ear.
"Oh you heard all that?"
"I think everyone here heard that, but hey I'm not one to judge. You put them in their place, and I've got to admit I admire that about a person a lot."
Lux wasn't sure what to say, they just stared at him. He was somewhat taller than Lux and good looking. He had a sharp jawline and peaks the size of Lux's face. Lux was so caught off guard it was like they were an entirely different person.
"Well thank you, I try my best," Lux said, grabbing a bottle from behind the counter.
"As you should, all these people don't know what it's like to be abused and abandoned their whole lifes," The stranger across the counter said with an empowered tone. Almost like a king of some sort.
"The name's Spade by the way," Spade said with a more nonchalant tone of voice. While saying this, he lightly grabs Lux's hand and places a kiss on their knuckle.
"Your name is Lux, but of course everyone knows that."
"How do you know my name," Lux questions while pulling their hand away?
"They announced it," Spade said, giggling at Lux
Lux felt super uncomfortable or maybe the hormones were talking because they knew they had to get out of there asap. Meanwhile Kamari and Nixon were trying to find Freya and her family. Eventually Freya bumped into the both of them and asked Kamari if she wanted to dance. Nixon was with Frida talking in one of the corners with a dimly lit table. Everyone was having an amazing time. Freya and Kamari were slow dancing in the middle of the dance floor.
"You wanna get out of here and go somewhere more private?" Freya said, smirking at Kamari.
"What are you implying, Freya," Kamari said, concerned and distancing herself from Freya?
"What, Oh! nothing like that. I mean let's go to the library."
"Oh, sure I guess."
The two girls left the magical party to be alone with one another. Lux found Nixon and Frida together in their corner. They were upset because of Ivar and vented to Nixon and Frida as they both comforted them. For a moment everything seemed silent.
"Hey why did it get so quiet," Nixon asked, concerned for everyone.
"Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce myself. We've ventured from realm to realm left behind by our dear friends, your heroes, your guests that cause only death in their path, Nixon, Lux, and Ghora," a almost snake-like voice said, grasping the attention of every living soul in the ballroom.
"We are here to either hunt them down or destroy you and all your people.  Which one will you choose, oh "mighty" king," A beautiful voice with sinister intention said.
"Who are you both? You witches must leave or be forced to choose wisely. Guards, formation 34V," The king's voice roared throughout the ballroom.
The guards took their formation but when they took a step forward they were thrown into the air with a green swirl of energy surrounding their armor. The guest screamed and started to panic.
"Lux, Frida, you need to leave now. It's Bekna, I met her before I met you guys and she disappeared the first night I got my powers," Nixon said, scared and concerned.
"My dear king, my name is Xantara and this is my dear sweet Bekna. Now bow or be bowed," Xantara said, almost hissing
"Never. I would never, this is my kingdom and I intend to defend it," The king said, drawing his sword.
Nixon stepped out from the corner putting his mask on ready to face his long lost friend and his new enemy. 
"Who is this? Oh just a foolish human thinking they can stop me," Xantara said side eyeing Nixon.
Nixon's powers activated only this time he wasn't in autopilot he was conscious and well aware of his action. He jerked his hand out to reveal his double bladed staff. Lux couldn't believe what they were seeing. Nixon could finally control his powers. Lux joined Nixon on the floor pulling their daggers out. Nixon and Lux looked at each other and nodded knowing that it could be their last night together.
"Now," Bekna screamed, summoning Xantara's undead army and her shadow beast.
Nixon opened a portal to go behind the witches on the staircase while Lux began to help the king fight the undead army barging the guest in the middle of the ballroom.
Nixon put his spear in front of him hitting both enemies in the back of the head. Bekna fell down the stairs while Xantara stood still. She pulled a sword out from her hand to swing at Nixon. Nixon changed his spear into double swords, cross blocking Xantara's sword with all his power. Nixon pointed his swords forward, gripping Xantara's sword with his. He spun her sword out of her hand and into the stairs. The king was defending his people with a guards shield holding the undead army back from breaking their way into the next room the people had gathered in. Lux was using the shadow monsters' arms to swing themselves on to the back of the monsters and stabbing the eyes so the monsters would bind and bleed out. Lux was able to stay on the back of one ride him toward the king to help defend the people. Lux didn't have a shield but they did have their daggers. They stabbed an undead in the neck while using the same arm to block its deadly bite. They used their other hand to punch it in the face and send it backwards knocking several undeads back.
"King, we must get into the room and defend ourselves in there," Lux said, getting up from the ground which the undead had pushed him too.
"I agree, but there is no way out of there. Once in we must use everything to barricade ourselves in," the king said, catching his breath from swinging back and forth and chopping the zombies to pieces.
"Nixon, you need to find us and get everyone out of here!'' Lux screamed as they and the king went back into the room, barricading the door shut.
Nixon took two more slashes at Xantara and then used his powers to create wings to fly overhead of the army and create a portal. Before Nixon could make it to the portal however, a tentacle grabbed him by the leg and slammed him into the ground. Bekna had created her own tentacles from her dress.
"Oh my dear Nixon, won't you dance with me one last time before you leave? I mean after all, from the last time I remember you were very skilled in dancing, or was that all just a lie too," Bekna said with a sinister grin stretched across her face showing her sharp teeth.
Nixon flashed back to when he was in his dream world. They danced to his favorite song for hours. Just constantly spinning back and forth, and a delicate rhyme with every step they took.
"You want to dance Bekna, then let's dance," Nixon said, standing up and catching what little breath he had.
"Oh wonderful. Now dance mortal," Bekna cried out, holding her hand out and trying to puppeteer him.
Nixon drew his swords and cut and lashed at every string coming his way. He was like an unstoppable force of nature that only a higher being could control. Bekna was stunned. She didn't expect him to be so powerful in his current state. Nixon finally met Bekna and held her at sword point.
"Just kill me already," Bekna begged, holding herself wide open for Nixon to have a final blow.
"No. I want you to suffer knowing that I beat you within seconds. To know that I wasn't the one who betrayed you, but instead you betrayed me by doing the one thing you said you wouldn't do. So with that I left you bound to your sorrow and your guilt, and knowing that you will always be lesser than me for I beat you Bekna. I beat you," Nixon said with a calm might in his voice lowering his sword from her throat.
Bekna's eye widened and her smile turned into a frown. Bekna knew she was defeated and she would never love again. She remembered the fond memories of Nixon, but she also remembers the bad ones that came with it. He had broken her heart more than once now and she could never face him again. Nixon grew his wings once more and he went through the portal which closed behind him almost instantly. He met with Lux but broke down to his knees in horrible dread and depression. He broke down bawling trying to pull himself together, but all he could think of was the last love he ever had, and ever would have.
"You need to get us out of here Nixon right fucking now. Do you understand? We will die. Now Nixon, now," Lux screamed in concern as the wooden door began to break into splinters.
Nixon did as he was told and opened a portal to the opening gates of the village. All the villagers and the king ran out the portal as Lux tried to get Nixon to pull himself together and get out.
"Look here asshole, I can't lose you. You are my only way back home and one of my closest friends. Now get up!" Lux screamed, shaking Nixon by the shoulders and breaking down with him.
"She was my love, Lux. I loved her and now here we are because of me she created armies, for what? Just to kill us!?" Nixon screamed in their face.
Nixon created a dagger in his hand and said,
"I shouldn't even be here!"
"Nixon I swear if you stab yourself, I will kill you!"
"Just do it then!"
With that Nixon stabbed himself in the stomach and realized what he had done was done, and there was no going back.
Words: 2861

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