Chapter XIII: Sith vs. Jedi

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As Kamari finished her story Freya turned the corner and interrupted before she could continue.
"A whole planet? For what because your father had your sister with another woman," Lux said looking at Kamari differently while backing away.
"How could you? I'm a warrior and I don't agree with your dishonorable action at all," Freya chimed in, coming closer to the group.
"Kamari that's horrible why would you commit mass genocide? All those children. All those people. You're horrible," Nixon said, almost stone faced.
"You didn't let me fin-," Kamari was interrupted.
"I don't think we should let you finish," Lux said, stepping in front of Kamari's sight.
"This is why I don't trust humans," Kamari sneered with a frustrated sigh as she stormed off.
Nixon broke his chains. As he opened the door he said, "Might as well let her explain herself the right way."
Freya grabbed Nixon's arm as he started to walk off.
"Give her time, Nixon. We've done enough," Freya said, trying to calm the situation.
Freya was alone in her room contradicting all the things they said to Kamari. Lux was watching Nixon from across the table as he grabbed some food after the horrific night. Nixon was almost stone cold. He didn't show any emotions but anger. Kamari was sitting on the roof where Freya had brought her days before. The repairs had begun on the castle as everyone began to somewhat settle again. Kamari was staring out to the mountain just on the horizon. The hatch to the castle roof opened and a tiny stranger appeared surprisingly. Kamari thought it was one of her friends, but gladly it wasn't.
"Hey little dude. What are you doing up here," Kamari said, trying to stay cold.
"Are you ok? You seemed upset when you ran up here," Freyr said innocently sitting next to Kamari.
"Yeah I'm alright. I got into a disagreement with my friends. I'll be alright. Don't worry about me."
Then, the girl that talked to them before came up to the roof and said, "Father said it's time for training."
Kamari entered the training room. Nixon and Lux had already begun. However instead of them fighting trainers they were fighting each other. Lux was dodging Nixon's daggers as Nixon flew in the air throwing three at a time. Lux tripped over one stuck in the ground putting them on their back. Nixon landed on the ground. He was sprinting at Lux when two training dummies came between them.  Nixon didn't stop though. He formed a spear and when the dummies swung he slid on his knees. His spear knocked both dummies on their face as Nixon took his final stabs in both their backs. Lux got up and tackled Nixon, but he opened a portal to block him from hitting the floor. They went through two portals linking together. They both were in a constant loop until Nixon spun them around and closed the portal to slam Lux into the ground. More training dummies came in and charged at Nixon. He back rolled dodging their arms. Nixon polvolted with his spear stabbing and tackling one of the training dummies further back. He turned around to the other two and slid under them. He jumped into the air putting his hand between the dummies forming a spear. Both dummies fell to the floor as Nixon landed over Lux.
"Why aren't you using your powers," Nixon said, pulling Lux to their feet.
"Why are you such a bitch," Lux said, pushing away from Nixon.
"No, seriously you are the better fighter. I just want to know what's wrong."
"If I am the better fighter, then why is there a need for me to use my powers?"
"Well considering I just kicked your butt, I think that's a good reason too. What even are they? You haven't shown them yet."
Kamari stood to the side looking intrigued
"Why do you care about that so much? If I don't want to use my powers then I don't have to!"
"I care because I just put you on your ass and we both know that I shouldn't be able to do that!"
"Well Nixon, what if I don't have any powers, huh? What if I can't do anything like you and the rest can do?!"
"What the hell is wrong with you? You're more snappy, thrown off your game, and just an ass today!"
"Well why are you being more of a jackass with your questions today?!"
"I just want to know what's wrong with you. You're way too touchy with this!"
"Nixon, if I have powers, would you even think that I would've used them several times by now? Do you, or are you just that oblivious."
"How was I supposed to know? Several superheroes are burdened with powers. Are you just that much of a brooding lunatic and a jackass to tell anyone you don't? Or is it the fact that just because you don't have powers that gives you a reason to be such a wimping baby. Cause it sounds to me that you are just giving an excuse to whine and complain like always!"
"That's it."
Lux stepped back to the weapon holster on the wall and grabbed four knives.
"What are you doing with that?"
Lux lunged forward, throwing two of the knives at Nixon. One barely missing, but skimming and slightly cutting Nixon cheek. The other stuck into the ground, tripping Nixon. As Nixon slammed into the ground, Lux didn't give him a second to think. Lux was over the top of him with the fourth knife over Nixon's throat and the knife from the ground above his eye.
"I win."
Lux raised their dagger and stabbed it into the ground right next to his neck, then the one over his eye into their pocket.
"Try me again and your eye is mine. Now run along, I think you need a change of pants from your mommy. Oh wait She's not here is she," Lux said making a puppy face as they walked away.
"Kamari, have at it. I'm done toying with the little baby."
Words: 1026

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