Chapter 9 - Following Leads

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"What station is this anyway?"

Milo asked.


Landon replied.

"Alright then."

"You doing alright?"

"Yeah, I'm fine that agent was just...a bit intense."

"Haha yeah I guess she can get like that."

"Yeah. Well, let's get this over with so we can get out of this hell hole and as far away from all the agents as possible."

"Sure thing."

The two men check into the station and head in. A moment later, Olivia slips in behind them and begins to follow.

This was an unfortunate station for them to end up at. Very few places to hide and the inkjet would make so much noise. If she was careless, he's get caught very quickly. Considering how everything about them felt, getting caught didn't see like it would end too well. She quickly dug through her back, looking for anything that may be of help. After a bit of digging, she found a small microphone and ear piece. An absolute jack pot. She slipped the ear piece in and began to follow the pair by running around on the higher parts of the area. 

When they pair had paused and she had a moment to make her move, she dropped the microphone that now had a thumb tack stuck to it down and prayed it caught on one of their clothes. A painful silence hung in the air as she waited to see if it had worked.

"...Let's keep going."

The voice of that octoling boy played through her earpiece and she felt her heart soar. It seems he hadn't even noticed the mircophone. She sat on the ledge she had perched herself on and waited for more. 

"It's such a good feeling to be moving around like this again. I feel like I'm a kid again."

Landon said with a chuckle.

"Yeah, I guess it's interesting to be out in the field again. Actually moving around in the field. Feels like forever since I last did that."

"So those epic concerts of yours don't count as 'in the field'?"

"Nah, not really. I'm really not doing much more than pressing buttons and spinning disks."

"Well, I think you're very good at it."

Milo laughed.

"Thanks. Maybe where ever we head to next will have another job waiting for me where I can do that."

"Haha maybe- woah!"


And suddenly the feed cut and she'd lost the signal. Just as it felt like she was about to get something of real substance. She quickly ran forward, trying to get the signal back. It took three minutes before noises started coming through again.

"...Alright, let's get the hell out of here."

"Good plan."

"How many more stations do we have after this one?"

"13 I think, I'm not sure if I'm reading it right though. You know I'm not great with all this tech."

"I'll look it over right after this."

And as quickly as it had returned, it was gone again. She could only assume the pair had completed the station and left. She couldn't help but feel at least a little be defeated by this but at the same time, it was progress. She finished the station and left. When she got off she checked her phone to see a stream of messages from Ashe berating her for shoving her back out when she was trying to rest. 


Agent4(20) - It was just so rude >:(((((((

Mia8 - There there, Ashe. It'll be ok.

Agent4(20) - Will it??? I'm just so tireddddddd. How much longer do we have to search this place??

Agent3 - Not much longer I think.

Agent4(20) - Well look who finally showed up, hope you enjoyed talking to your new best friends, jerk >:(

Mia8 - Why's that?

Agent3 - Our biggest leads are on their way out and I think it is in our best interest to keep a close eye on them.

Mia8 - You mean Landon and Milo? You're still going on about that?

Agent3 - They have something to do with it all, I'm certain.

Mia8 - How are you so sure about it?

Agent3 - They just feel so...wrong. I can't shake the feeling that they are up to something and even if it doesn't have anything to do with Octavio or the Capitan it still isn't good. 

Agent4(20) - Hey! Don't ignore me!!

Mia8 - So it's just a bad feeling you have? Liv, that really isn't much to go off of.

Agent3 - It is enough for me. Plus they were carrying the Capitan's phone. When I questioned them about it, the story felt off, like they were making it up.

Mia8 - You might've just made them nervous.

Agent3 - Then ask them yourself and we can compare details, if it's the same then maybe they weren't.

Mia8 - And you'll drop it?

Agent4(20) - HELLO???????

Agent3 - Sure. I am so confident that it won't align so sure, if it all clears, I will drop it.

Mia8 - Ok then.

Olivia tucked her phone away and hopped onto the train. She kept the earpiece in, waiting for the signal to return. When it did hopefully what they said would prove to be more useful. She was onto something, she was sure of it.

It was just a matter of proving that now.

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