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I'm not okay
Even though I pretend
Pretend that the words don't hurt me
The misused words, misused pronouns
Pretending that every time doesn't cut like knives

I know it's not their fault
They don't know any better
I haven't told them that that's not my name
That those aren't my pronouns
That that's not who I am

That doesn't make pain I feel any less
The pain when I'm called "daughter"
When someone refers to me as "she"
When people assume,
Assume that because I look a certain way
Act a certain way,
That I am a certain way

People assume that because I have breasts
Because I dress the way I do
That I am a girl
That I am female
No one asks, no one questions,
Everyone just assumes everything

People should have learned by now,
Assumptions don't do anything
Nothing besides hurting the assumer
And the person about who they have assumed
People should realize that those few seconds of embarrassment,
The few seconds it takes to ask,
Will save a lifetime of embarrassment for everyone else


So, this is my way of coming out to you guys as trans. I would prefer if from now on you could refer to me as he/him instead of she/her I would also prefer if you called me Rian.

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