Bloody Kisses

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➤ fem! reader
➤ mentions of murder, fire and death, contains swearing
➤ Joker and Harley Quinn inspired
➤ L/N = last name

Chan was one of Seoul's most feared criminals. Rumours about him were in the mouths of people around the city. Some people said he killed for pleasure. Others said he killed because he had some psychological disease or even that maybe he had been born into an abusive family. He knew about these rumours. And he almost agreed with the people who said he had a psychological disease. The voices in his head drove him insane. It was hard for him to have a normal life when there were voices telling him to murder people all the time.

When he got locked up in one of the best prisons, the criminals there didn't fear him. Instead, they wanted to get close to him. But Chan? He didn't want to be anywhere near them. He didn't talk to his cellmate, always had lunch by himself, refused to be with anyone during the day. Noticing this, the wardens let the director of the prison know. This led to him assigning Chan a psychologist. The male simply saw it as something he had to endure during the he'd be in prison.

"Miss L/N" He walked in your consultory. "So nice to see you~"

"Mr Bang, we've been doing this for a year and a half now" You replied, opening your notebook. "You should be used to this by now"

The male sat down in front of you. "I don't like being here, Miss L/N. And you know it"

During the year and a half, you couldn't help but to fall for him. You knew you shouldn't but after getting to know him, you couldn't help it. This crush could lead to you possibly losing your job. Or even the future jobs you could possibly get. So, you tried to hide this crush the most as you could. And Chan? He knew about it. And he was gonna make good use of it in the best way he could think of.

"You'd do anything for me, wouldn't you, Miss L/N?" The man asked, a smirk creeping up on his face.

You were in disbelief. This could only mean he had found out about your feelings for him. "What makes you say that?" You asked with the purpose of knowing if he really knew about what you've been trying to hide for months.

"Oh, you know why~" His voice became seductive as he spoke. "I believe there is... some chemistry between us" The man was bluffing. He didn't have any sort of feelings for you. But, blinded by love, you didn't notice he was lying, even though you were supposed to. The man continued. "If you do have feelings for me, I want you to prove it"

"But how? How can I prove it to you, Mr Bang?"

"First, I want you to get me a couple of guns. Break me out of here. And become my alley" He stared at you blankly. He knew he had you wrapped around his finger.

You did as he told you to. It took you three days to get the guns he wanted. Now all you needed to do was find a way to break the male out. You managed to steal the floor plan of the prison, which had hidden ways out drawn in it.

"Well, well, well... It's nice to see you, Miss L/N~" He sat down on the chair in front of you after he walked in your consultory. "Do you have any news for me, Miss?"

"I've done what you asked me to, Mr Bang" You said as you placed the floor plan on the table. The male's lips turned into a smile. A malicious one.

"Wow, we've got such a good girl here. Lucky I didn't get a bitchy one this time"

You couldn't help but to blush slightly when he called you a good girl. "So what's the plan, Mr Bang?"

"I'm going to escape in a week. I'll let you know when I do" He replied before laughing like the maniac he was. "We'll be just like Bonnie and Clyde, my love" He lied, staring at you like he really loved you. He had mastered that stare by now, since he had played with people's feelings to get what he wanted before. He'd always done that.

Not even a week later, he was out. Just like he had planned. Now all you had to do was meet him at an abandoned building, as you had agreed to do when you and him were discussing places to meet up at. You walked out of the establishment and went to your car, starting to drive once you got inside.

You couldn't help but to feel excited. You and him were finally gonna be together. No rules separating the two of you.

When you got there, you quickly made your way inside the building after parking your car.

"Miss L/N~ Glad you kept your word. I've been waiting for you" You heard Chan say from above you. Once you looked up, you saw the man you loved the most.

"I did, Mr Bang. I'm ready to do whatever you ask me to" The male smirked at your words.

"Cut your hair. Dye it half red half blue. Wear make up of the same colors, so it matches. Change your entire wardrobe. And most importantly, always obey me"

You did everything he wanted. You actually liked your new look.

Time passed by and you were living in one of Chan's headquarters with him. Everything seemed to be going alright, except for the times where he went insane. Blood would be all over the place. Not his nor yours. But his bodyguard's. You didn't think he'd ever hurt you. That was until everything changed.

He had brought you to a room you had never been in. He convinced you that you were just going to spend some time together. He had drinks on a table along with some food.

"How sweet of you to prepare this, Mr Bang~" You said before giggling to yourself.

"Anything for my girl" The male said seductively.

The two of you begun eating and right after you took a sip of your drink, everything went black. Your heartbeat was slowing down as you fell on the floor.

"Good night my little flower. Sweet dreams" The male said before getting a lighter and match from his pocket. He quickly lit it up and threw it on the floor after covering it in gasoline, watching the flames start to show up before running out the headquarter.

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