Chapter 13

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*The routine they are due to perform is above* Credit to Chachi Gonzales, she's a wicked dancer! check out her performances, you won't regret it xx

Alice's POV*

"1..2..3..4" We all began the routine I had planned. I stayed up to the early hours last week to finish and finalise how I wanted everything to be. This was my one shot to impress everyone and to see what I could produce. We train in the studio next door to the boys, so it's no different and we see each other a lot.

I haven't seen Perri a lot due to our seperate sessions, but it will all be worth it after we perform. I wasn't going to lie, I felt exhausted but I couldn't risk everything.

"Ok 5 minute break everyone!" I clapped. I watched as everyone slowly left the room wanting to get some fresh air and see how the boys were doing. I was left alone in the studio, with the double doors wide open. "There's my favourite girl." Perri wandered in and cuddled me from behind which made my stomach erupt with butterflies for what feels like the millionth time. He has this effect on me, I can't even explain whenever I'm around him, I'm happy.

"I'm taking you out tonight princess." He whispered. I giggled softly as his breathe tickled my neck. "Where are we going?" I asked, I should have known he never lets out on surprises. "That's for me to know and you to find out." He tapped my nose and pressed his lips gently against mine.

"There you ar-. Yep ruined the moment for the second time." Mitch laughed. "MITCHELL." We both groaned. "Carry on your smooching session" He giggled, I rolled my eyes and we both sat against the wall.

"How's it going?" He asked me concerned as he could sense my frustration. "Good, I guess. I know Em's struggle now. Choreographing is hard work" I shrugged. "Your telling me, besides we're taking a break for a while now so how about you teach me the dance and ill help you teach it" He smiled, standing up and offering a hand to pull me up, which I obliged.

It had been around an hour and a half since I had taught Perri the routine, the stress had finally been lifted from my shoulders or so it felt like it to me,the Diversity boys had joined our studio and were watching our practise. I felt to say the least absolutely exhausted and the pressure up to the event was about to get much worse, now I understand why Emma is the leader and choreographer of this crew and not me.

I received a call a few days ago from the manager of the event asking me to perform a solo performance, I haven't told any of the girls or even Perri yet as i've never done anything by myself before and i'm nervous as hell. In my spare time, I've come up with something small so far. I've not been focusing much on it to be honest, all my attention and effort has been put into the group performance which is my main focus, I have until Friday which is 2 days time to make a decision.


"Hey mum, can I have your advice on something?" I ask as I turn the kettle on and sit down opposite her in the kitchen. "Of course you can, what's bothering you?" She focused all of her attention on me. "You know the performance we're doing?" She nodded. "The manager called me yesterday and asked me to do a solo performance and I don't know what to do, I don't want the girls to get mad at me..."I trailed off. I looked up when I felt the presence of her hands touch mine, holding them. "Alice, why on earth would they be mad at you? this is an amazing opportunity and they are your friends and will support you the entire way, trust me" She smiled.

I guess she was right, I don't know why I get so anxious about the situation. I decided to ring everyone up and invite them over so I could them the news. I felt more comfortable with my mums advice, I guess the saying is right huh? Mums know best. About half an hour past and everyone was gathered In my lounge.

"So basically, you know Dance Elite?" I asked, earning a nod from everyone. "They asked me to do a solo performance.." I said quietly. Everything was silent for a few seconds before all the girls jumped up from their seats and engulfed me in a group hug. Ok, they aren't mad, I'm good. "Oh my god! This is amazing! Have you sorted a routine yet?" I shook my head. "Not really.." "Oh my god, we are helping!" They all say, pushing all of the sofa's out of the way so we had enough room to move around.

We spent the next few hours creating a solo routine for me to perform and it felt like we were bonding as a group all over again and I finally realised, what did I ever have to worry about? These girls accepted me for who I am, my opportunities, my failures, my achievements and the list goes on. I truly loved them like family, our bond is unbreakable.


Hello my beautiful readers, I apologise for this part being fairly short, it was just a filler chapter. I finish secondary completely tomorrow so I have almost 3 months to write lots more, thank you for all being patient with my lagging updates but I will be sure to be back soon with lots more!

I love you all so much!

-T xx

A Dance Full Of Love ~ Perri Kiely / Diversity fanfiction ~Where stories live. Discover now