Chapter 14

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A shiver ran through my body as I stepped out of my house on a chilly Saturday morning. I wrapped my arms around my body in an attempt to warm myself up, I jumped into my car and instantly turned the heating on full. I was going out to buy India a birthday present and decided it was easier to go by myself than bring everyone else which would be slightly obvious as to what I was doing. I started the engine and drove to the shopping centre not far from my house, which in my opinion was far better than any other as it had multiple floors with so many shops it was unbelievable.

I parked close by, grabbing my bag and shoving my phone into my coat pocket and began searching each floor for the perfect present. The whole time I was asking myself what I wanted when I was 16? I mean It was only last year but I have the memory of a peanut so that definitely didn't help my situation. I went into many clothes stores, picking out items of clothing she would most likely wear and that fit her style taste, She was my twin when it came to clothing choices except may be slightly girlie.

I'd be shopping for around 2 hours already but I still didn't feel like my presents were complete until I came to a halt at a jewellery shop at the bottom of the escalator, I approached further noticing the shop was soon going to close as the owner was taking in the sign outside. A silver heart pendant caught my eye as I was about to leave and I knew I had to get it.

"Excuse me? Are you still open?" I asked quietly to the man sitting behind the desk. "Yes, for around another 20 minutes, how can I help?" He rose from his seat. I requested the necklace and he scurried off to grab it from the front window, a sign on the desk caught my attention which advertised that you could personalise some selected pieces of jewellery. I pointed to the sign "Could I engrave something on it too?" "Sure, what would you like?" He said politely, there's nothing like a good bit of customer service these days, most stores I've gone into today have moody staff which aren't very welcoming to say the least. I exited the shop, waving goodbye and feeling happy with my purchase. I walked into Starbucks quickly as it was on my way out and honestly who doesn't need a Starbucks after a hard day's shopping?

"Ali! Hey!" I felt a hand touch my shoulder, I turned around to find one of my old friends from school standing behind me. "Amy!" I squealed, engulfing her into a big hug. She waited with me for my drink before pulling me over to the table in the corner she was sitting at. "Hannah!!" I slid into the shared chair and began a conversation. I never knew how much I missed them until now, its been almost 2 years since I had left school, we kept up good contact for a few months but I guess it fizzled out.

"I'll be back in a few minutes, i'm just going to the bathroom" I excused myself and headed to the ladies room, I guess that Starbucks took the fast track because now I was in desperate need of the toilet. I did my business then came out of the cubical to wash my hands when an oh too familiar and evil reincarnated herself Gemma made her way out behind me.

"Oh hello, Alice. Fancy seeing you here.." The rest of her minions appeared too, one blocking the door for any disturbances during this interrogation and the other two her backup behind her. Oh crap, today is the end of Alice Evans. Wait, Stop thinking like that Ali, don't let her scare you, You'll be fine. She can only hurt you if you let her, remember that.

"What do you want?" I say aggressively, which I'm not sure is the best option right now as its 1 against 5. "We heard about you performing on Dance Elite, Back out or you'll regret it bitch" She seethed, trying to intimidate me by standing closer, like hell was I going to give up all of my hard work to satisfy Regina George here.

"In your dreams, why would I give up an opportunity like that?" I raise an eyebrow. "Because I said so, besides what makes you think you and your crappy crew could go up against us? In your dreams little Ali. You couldn't even win Got to Dance" She spoke down to me like I was some type of child she had authority over. Ok she was really starting to infuriate me now, we're the same age and near enough the same height she's calling me little.

"No way." I stood my ground, I wasn't letting this go wether her and her group of minions beat me to the ground. Next thing I know, her hand comes in contact with my cheek, causing an intense burning sensation in my cheek. I couldn't register it properly because she spun me round so I faced the mirror and took a handful of my hair in her hand and slammed my face against the mirror causing it to shatter into pieces just like my face, I screamed in pain.

Various laughs echoed around the room, I dared to look up as she punched my face once more causing me to hit the ground. I stayed curled up on the floor, Gemma and her friends were shouting various swear words at me. I couldn't fight back and I wasn't in the right state to even attempt to. The door slammed and the noise dulled down, and I guess I was alone.

The blood was pouring rapidly from my face and it hurt like crap. I didn't have the strength to move or talk so calling for help wasn't an option either. Why did I retaliate or use my sarcasm to fight back. I touched my face slowly, hissing in pain as soon as my hand came in contact to it, I could feel small shards of glass buried into my skin.

I spent what I think was around 10 minutes in silence on the bathroom floor to scared to make any movements until the door flew open. I winced as I thought Gemma returned to inflict even more pain onto me but to my surprise it was an elderly lady.

"Are yo- Oh my gosh! Hold on sweetie! I'm going to get help!" She rushed back out. She returned moments later with the security guard of the shopping centre who was thankfully a woman but a man soon appeared behind her, despite being a lady's bathroom why did I even care? Especially with a puddle of blood surrounding me. I needed all the help I could get. I sensed a pair of arms lifting me from the ground and everything went white.

Had I died from blood loss or something?


Hi babes👼🏼☁️
I'm back, this is my first update of many this summer!☺️ I came up with this idea today as I thought this book was getting a little dull and repetitive and not enough drama was happening. What did you guys think?

Also I changed the story cover as I really wasn't liking my old edit, this one isn't very interesting but I like simple covers when it come to my books now!😌😋

Head over to my other account for more stories - wtvrmatt 😊😊😊

I may be re-editing my chapters so notifications might be that unless it says a new chapter!

thank u for reading loves😇😇😇


A Dance Full Of Love ~ Perri Kiely / Diversity fanfiction ~Where stories live. Discover now