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Cutler, Maine
October, 2015

I leaned against the counter at the server's station, and waited for my last table of the day to finish signing their check and leave; so I could finally get out of there. I looked at the clock on the wall in front of me. 4pm. I'd officially been there for ten hours, and wanted nothing more than to go home. I had told Winnie I'd be back by two, but any hope I had of that happening, went away when we got a huge late lunch rush around one.
I moved my eyes back to the customer who had finally started to get up. When the elderly man started toward the exit, I sped over and began bussing the table.
"Bye Mr. Harrison!" I called "Have a good afternoon!"
The old man looked over his shoulder and waved at me before disappearing out the door.
As soon as I finished cleaning the table, I made my way to the office where my asshole manager Jared, sat doing god knows what on the computer.
"Hey. My last table just left and I really need to go. Can I have my tips?"
The dark haired, thirty something year old man looked up at me, clearly annoyed.
"Katelyn!" he groaned, throwing his head back dramatically.
"Dude I told my aunts I'd be home by two. I'm already in enough trouble as it is. Can you just cash me out please?"
"Yeah, yeah" he muttered and got up to walk to the computer at the host stand. I followed him and waited impatiently for him as he pressed the buttons and finally opened the cash drawer.
"Here" he grumbled, handing me the stack of bills.
"Thank you!" I said and quickly took the cash from him before I started towards the door.
"You better be on time tomorrow or I'm writing you up!" He yelled after me. I rolled my eyes and continued on my way out without looking back. Jared would never write me up. I've caught him getting high on the job way too many times for that. Besides, I didn't even work the next day.
I counted my money as I speed walked down the sidewalk to where the CRV was parked on the curb.
I had made $450 that day. Not too bad for working since the ass crack of dawn. Once I was in the driver's seat of the car, I tore my blue "Lucille's Diner" T-shirt off, leaving me with the just white long sleeve I had on under it. I started the car and began driving away from the town.
Since running away from Salem, we had worked tirelessly to build a life from the ground up. Given that I was the only one familiar with technology, it was up to me to use it to our advantage. With the help of the text changing spell in Winnie's book and the computers at the local library, I was able to create all new documents for all of us. To society, I was now Katelyn Baxter. A twenty year old originally from New York, who moved out to rural Maine with her aunts to escape the big city life. At home though, I was still Kaytrina. I was able to get a new driver's license, a credit card and a job, which helped us tremendously with blending in with society and just plain old survival.
Things were going well for us out here in Cutler, though I don't think I would be able to say that if it wasn't for our magic. With a healthy mix of Winnie's powers and manual labor from all of us, we had eventually managed to build a new cottage. It was significantly smaller than the old one, but it was nevertheless home.

     I turned down the secluded dirt road that led to our new cottage

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I turned down the secluded dirt road that led to our new cottage. The fall color began to show up in mid September, so by now the trees that surrounded me were all brilliant shades of orange, yellow and red. I smiled. I sure loved New England in the fall. A few minutes later, I pulled up next to the cottage. As I got out of the car and began walking to the door, I could see the glow of a candle sitting in the window. Though I'm sure we could have easily figured out how to do it, we opted not to put electricity in the cottage. We did however have running water, which made the quality of life a little better than in Salem.
  When I entered the cottage, Mary, Sarah and Winnie were all together at the table. They all turned to look at me as I walked in.
"Sorry!" I called "A huge rush came in around one and Jarred wouldn't let me leave."
"Well did thou tell him you were expected home?" Winnie barked, clearly annoyed I wasn't back when I said I would be.
I sighed
"He didn't care."
By now I'd walked from the door to an empty chair at the table.
"He was extra pissy today."
"Perhaps Sarah should pay him another visit". Mary chortled, side eyeing Sarah sitting next to her.
I choked back a laugh and looked at Winnie who was rolling her eyes.
"He does still ask about her." I replied.
That was probably the best sex that jackass ever had in his sorry little life.
Sarah beamed at this comment.
Winnie groaned slightly as she fiddled with the spoon in her tea. She sighed.
"I suppose the later we begin our journey the better. We would not want to be caught lurking about Salem in the daylight."
I nodded.
After almost three years, we were going back to Salem for the first time.
Today was October 13th, Mallory's birthday.
With everything that happened in the weeks following her death, I never once got to visit her grave before we left. Over these last few months, I'd been thinking about it alot and really wanted to visit on this day. She would be 27 now.
I could only imagine how hard today was for my aunt and uncle. I thought about them from time to time, and hoped they were doing well. I'd love to see them if I knew It wouldn't cause a world of problems for us.
When I brought this idea up to the sisters about a month ago, they were originally pretty hesitant about it. However, they eventually agreed. They knew I'd probably just go alone if they didn't accompany me.
Winnie suggested we visit the sacred circle while we were down there. Though we had found a place similar here in Maine, our magic didn't respond to it quite like the one in Salem.
I could tell the sisters were eager to see the old cottage too. Honestly so was I, however, I was sure it was probably a mess after being left vacant for so long.

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