home and school

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You stare in the front of you the beautiful forest that can make you lose in a maze ,The breeze that flew back your long hair ,The sun was setting the Bird are chirping,and you can feel the grass in your feet .

Then there was a shadow go behind you, it tried reach out it's hand's for you and the feeling you have felt gave you chills.

Your eyes flung open and you sat up you stare in
the dark room , with little light flashing in the window of the room, and there was noise that kip beeping echoes from the room, " what was that, what kind of dreams is that?" You wonder tiredly , you rub your eyes to wake up . You just wake up before it grabbed you.

You though about the dream it felt real like it's not a dream.you look to the side 5:15 am it's early morning you get up ,and go to the bathroom to take a cold shower to remove the sleepiness. I turn the water off and get out the bathroom , then I go to my closet to get my uniform to go to school when I'm done putting my clothes.

I was heading to the kitchen to cook breakfast and lunch,I opened the fridge to find what would the food will be to day . "Good morning big sis" Yokubo said, while she was passing by the kitchen "good morning yoku" I said while I was making rice. "Big brother Furantsu, big brother Furantsu wake up i don't want to be late for my class " said Yokubo " I'm awake, gave me a minute " groaning while Furantsu reply ,I was still making a dish that we will be eating later during lunch " we'll be going now big sis, and can you make me some energy drink thank you" . She said while she was heading to the front door, "okay,be careful " I said while I was setting the food down.

I was happy that I finished it on time, so I walked out from the kitchen to wake up my brother "rei ,rei wake up it's almost 6:30 we don't want to be late for school" "okay, okay I'm up gave me a minute to prepare" I was already eaten when he gets auto from his room to go to the kitchen.we heard footsteps"Good morning big sis, big bro" said sofi while rubbing her eyes "good morning "we said to her while we prepared to live.

When we were heading to school I was still thinking about the dream, oh! Sorry I still haven't introduce myself,well my name is Mika shi kurai the third child of the family KURAI,the kurai family is known by a lot of people in the city. Let me introduce to you my family first of all, my father the head of the family, Reimon kurai , age :40,job: is working as a captain in a crew ship , second is my mother, age :38, job:a house wife and a small Business in the city.

Next is my siblings the elder son, Furantsu Ri ,age:18, in his finale years in high school, the second eldest son, Rei Kyasu Kurai,age: 17, second year in high school, third eldest daughter, Mika shi Kurai , age : 16, second year in high school, fourth eldest daughter, Yokubo an Kurai, age:13, first year in middle school, and the youngest daughter is Sofi jen Kurai, age:9 , fourth year in elementary.



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