School and Dream

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When we were entering the school "what time are you going home??"he said, while parking the car " 3:40 - 4:00 pm, why??"I asked him while I was getting out of the car "just asking"he said "okay, your acting weird today, never mind bye" when I said that then I was heading to class. When I was getting inside the room, there are few people in side the room "good morning" I said while I was heading to my chair "good morning"they said while I'm sitting then I take my book from my bag, and start going to my notes, well I'm not that smart that would be my siblings. 

When people are getting inside the room, and the teacher is coming inside we all stood up to greet her "good morning ma'am"we all said to her together "you all may by seated" she said to us.

~Time Skip: lunch time ~

I was organizing my stuff and preparing to live when "Hey! Mika do we have any activities today??"a classmate of mine ask "no I don't think so!?" I replied to her "oh! thank you, by the way tomorrow is summer vacation,what are you going to do??" "Well I'm going to visit my grandmother, she lives far away from the city"I told her"okay, bye " "bye" I said to her and was heading to my sister's classroom to give her lunch after that I found a place to eat "this place is good".

When I was done eating , I went back to class and I  thought there's still time so I took a nap. I was running around the field in my grandmother's farm, "don't go to long little one, because your mother is going to pick you up, okay" my grandmother told me. "Okay, granny " I shouted to  her while I was running to the forest near the field ,I was wearing a dress and i carrying a basket,  while I was running I saw a field full of wild berry so took some "granny would love some berry's,hehe" when I was picking the Berry. I heard a voice "ow, that hurt " "haa!, what was that??" I got near the sound and I saw a boy the same age as me, and he has pretty blue eyes "hey!, your hurt let me help you" I told him while I was heading to him, and crouch down to see his wound and I patch it up with my torque ribbon "there,  it's all patched up " I told him then I get up and smile towards him, "I'm Mika shi,  what your name!??" While I was heading to my basket to pick it up. I saw from the side of my eye that he was getting up "my name is ____ , and thank you"he said while giving a small smile.



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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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