Twin Size Mattress

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Songfic my loves. I know some people don't really read the lyrics but you might have to for this story:))))

For some reason i feel as if this song reflects Mikey perfectly.


This is for the lions living in the wiry broke down frames of my friends bodies
A small bubbly laugh rose in Michelangelo's chest, the smallest child of four, squealing when his older brother grew closer and closer. Raph growled playfully at him and nodded to Donnie, who nodded back and ran to the other side of Mikey, all smiles and crooked glasses. Little Mikey was so distracted by his two other brothers that he ran right into Leo, who grinned and picked him up, blowing raspberries into his stomach and laughing when Mikey shrieked.

When the flood water comes, it ain't gonna be clear
"I'm scared," the littlest mumbled, shuffling closer to Donnie, who squeezed his hand.
It's gonna look like mud
The water stared back at him, and Mikey cried softly, pressing harder against his older brother. He didn't wanna learn. It was way too scary!
Leo smiled warmly and bent down to his little brother's level.
"But I will help you swim"
Mikey looked up with watery blue eyes.
"You will?"
"I will help you swim"
Raphael said too, rubbing Mikey's head affectionately.
"I'm gonna help you swim"
Mikey looked up at his genius brother and smiled. Donnie kissed his hand.

This is for the snakes and the people they bite
Mikey lay on his head, a tired fifteen year old. Memories of his adventures running through his head. Memories of Karai.
For the friends I've made; for the sleepless nights
Memories of Leatherhead, memories of Ice Cream Kitty.
For the warning signs I've completely ignored
Memories of the overwhelming feeling in his chest. Memories of the burden of being the burden.
There's an amount to take, reasons to take more
Mikey felt what was left of his heart throb, how much more could he take?

"It's no big surprise you turned out this way"
Leonardo shoved his finger into his chest, accusing, mocking, insulting.
When they close their eyes and prayed you would change
All Mikey wanted to do was hang out with Donnie, he swears! It was only an accident. The tube had fallen by accident. Maybe he just had to work harder. If he worked harder, then he wouldn't be clumsy.
Maybe Donnie would want to hang out with him!
And they cut your hair, and sent you away
"Get out of my room, knucklehead!"
He winced when he felt the thrown action figure hit his nose.
"If you come in here again, I'll bash you up!"
Mikey left silently.
You stopped by my house the night you escaped
Leo's door was open, and he stood in his room drowsy and annoyed.
With tears in my eyes, I begged you to stay
"Can I please sleep with you tonight, Leo?" He had asked, hands trembling and heart aching.
He needed reassurance, he needed warmth.
You said,
"Hey man, I love you but no fucking way"
Mikey remembered the cold feeling in his chest when Leo shut the door on his face.

I'm sure that we could find something for you to do on stage
Raphael laughed along with his brothers, including Mikey's awkward one.
"You can totally hang out with us!"
Maybe shake a tambourine or when I sing, you sing harmonies
"Yeah! You can tag along as my dumb little brother, with me and Casey. It suits you perfectly."
Dumb little brother..?

This is for the lake that me and my friends swim in
Donnie shrieked at the giant wave through his glasses into the lake. His oldest brother laughed, before Raphael plunged into the water right next to him.
Naked and dumb on a drunken night
Drunk on the feeling in the air. Drunk on the freedom so rarely given. Drunk on their enjoyment with one another's presence.
And it should've felt good
Why didn't it feel good? Why didn't Mikey join in?
But I can hear the Jaws theme song on repeat in the back of my mind
Because they don't want you there. They had never wanted you there. You'd just ruin everything like you always do.
His smile was bitter and cold when he waved at Leo.

"Make sure you kiss your knuckles before you punch me in the face"
Mikey taunted his big brother, flashing him a grin as he dodged and attacked. The sounds of thumping and grunts filled the dojo, as he and his brother's spared.
There are lessons to be learned, consequences for all the stupid things I say
He iced the burning, growing bruise on his eyes, wincing when skin met contact with the cold. Maybe he should cut down the taunts. Raphie did have a temper, but it didn't have to be Mikey all the time who let him have it loose, right?

And it is no big surprise you turned out this way
Michelangelo watched sullenly from the doorway. His human friends were here. Casey and April and-..and Karai.
The spark in her eyes
He watched her talk to Leo, the smile on her face that was only meant for her family. Never Mikey.
The look on your face
Leo's look of adoration for his sister, one he had never seen before with him.
This was getting selfish.
I will not be late
But he wondered whether his brothers would want her over him.

I'm sure that we could find something for you to do on stage
"I'm sure that we could find something for you to do on patrol, Mikey," Casey nudged his shoulder, a loving grin on his face when Mikey's eyes sparkled hopefully.
Maybe shake a tambourine or when I sing you sing harmonies
"Maybe take Razhar today, or take out the foot clan!"
"I wanna contribute to the chaos"
Mikey whispered gently to his friend, too quiet for his brothers to hear but just enough for Casey to frown.
"I don't wanna watch and then complain"
"I don't want to be useless anymore, I do not want to be a burden."
"'Cause I am through finding blame"
"I'm tired of BEING the one blamed."
That is the decision that I have made
"That is the decision that I have made."

She hopes I'm cursed forever to
Mikey sobbed loudly, his pain echoing through the night sky, barren of any stars.
Sleep on a twin-sized mattress
His small teddy bear lay discarded on his bed, along with a note. A farewell.
In somebody's attic or basement my whole life
Shredder's hideout stood tall and hideous before him, and he consoled himself before going inside.
Never graduating up in size to add another
Tear tracks lay proof of his anguish when he confronts Shredder, a snast snarl on his face, a intrigued expression.
And my nightmares will have nightmares every night
Black exchanges orange. Freedom to one who earned it.
Oh, every night, every night
"I'm here to swap myself with Karai. Me in her place."

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