Injuries and Inquiries

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(This is what I envisioned Jason to look like)


I smiled at Jason, feeling my heart fluttering in my chest. Over the course of dinner he had kept sneaking me glances, and each time it had sent little flutters in my chest. He laughed a little and poured more wine into his glass. I took a bite of my roast, glancing at him from time to time. Carol was now reluctant to leave Sophia's side during the course of the dinner, and Sophia eagerly spoke to Carl, clearly happy about being reunited with her friend. A light and happy air filled the room, similar to when we arrived at the CDC and had dinner. It was almost like the world wasn't over, that there weren't walkers just outside in those woods.

Then I felt a tapping on my shoulder. I turned to see Dale, who was smiling kindly at me.

"Did you get Daryl dinner yet?" He asked softly.

My eyes widened slightly at my forgotten promise. I glanced up at the clock and saw that it had been twenty minutes since I had left. He was probably starving! "I'll be right back!" I declared, wiping my mouth off before rushing over to the kitchen, grabbing a plate and loading it with roast and carrots. Then I hustled up the stairs to Daryl's room, where I found the door shut. I cracked it open a little and peeked in, hoping I wasn't disturbing him. Daryl was on his side, back to me. I could see the tips of his scars on his back, and I knew he wouldn't want anyone else to see them. I cracked the door open more, assuming that he was asleep. He had to be exhausted from the long day, plus the blood loss. I quietly walked into the room and set the plate down on the side table, leaning down to tuck the covers up more before giving him a soft kiss on the temple. Then I stepped away and quietly shut the door.

I turned around and headed back downstairs and into the dining room, smiling as I was greeted and taking a seat at my spot again, taking a sip of wine and finishing my dinner.


Later that night after I had helped Maggie and Lori clean up, I quickly checked on Sophia. Carol was in her room and sitting on the bed with her, talking softly while Sophia dipped some hot tea out of a mug, her back pressed against the headboard. They turned their attention to me once I entered the room, and Carol smiled sweetly.

"Hey. How're you doing, sweetheart?" I asked, closing the door behind me.

"Good." Sophia said softly.

I smiled and went over to the other side of the bed, resting the back of my hand on her forehead. It felt normal. "No fever." I announced, smiling at her. "Do you guys need anything?"

Carol glanced at Sophia, who shook her head, and then turned to me. "I think we're ok." She said.

I nodded with a smile before getting up and heading towards the door. "Ok, well if you need anything just holler." I said, leaving the two of them alone.

I then headed upstairs to my other patient. When I opened the door softly to look in, he was still on his side fast asleep. I stepped in quietly, and noticed that the plate beside the bed was now empty. I smiled softly and walked over to Daryl's other side to where he was facing. His mouth was parted slightly as he slept and I could hear soft snoring. I smiled at him before gently pressing the back of my hand to his forehead. He wasn't burning up thankfully, therefore he didn't have a fever. He was fighting this well. I glanced down at his waist where the sheets were covering up the bandaging. I pulled the covers back to check on it, however when I moved them, Daryl grunted and sat up a little, blinking his eyes quickly as he adjusted to the light.

"Morning," I whispered, smiling at him. "I'm just checking on your side, if that's ok."

Daryl grunted as he sat up, pushing the blanket down so that it sat comfortably around his waist. "Yer the doctor." He muttered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20, 2019 ⏰

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