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The next morning, I woke up in a strange, orange tent. I sat up in confusion, yawning and stretching as I glanced around. The inside of the tent smelled sweaty and woodsy, and across the tent I noticed another vacant sleeping bag. Beside the sleeping bag was an old, yet familiar sleeveless shirt that belonged to Daryl, so it was safe to assume that I was in Daryl's tent. But how had I gotten there? I decided to leave now before Daryl returned, feeling as though I had overstayed my welcome.

Just as I was leaving the lone tent, I heard leaves and grass crunching towards me. I glanced to the left and saw that Daryl was returning. I smiled and waved, closing the tent flap behind me.

"Sleep ok?" Daryl grunted

"Yeah," I said, glancing around Daryl's mini camp. There was a small fire burning in the center with a small frying pan heating up. "How'd I end up here? I don't remember getting drunk." I asked, laughing a little at my own stupid joke.

"Ya fell asleep on me, an' I took ya to my tent." He explained, shifting a little.

"Thanks, but you didn't have to do that." I said, blushing a little and glancing down at my feet.

Daryl shrugged. "Wasn' a problem. 'Least ya don't snore."

I laughed again, forcing my eyes to look up and meet his. His eyes were sparkling and he was staring directly at me, a half smirk on his face. I felt my insides warm at his smirk, and my heart was swelling.

"Well, I should of check on Carl, make sure he's ok." I mumbled out, smiling softly.

Daryl nodded awkwardly and stepped off to the side, as if he was blocking me in any way. I felt my heart warming a little as I walked towards him on my way to the house. Just as I passed him, however, I paused for a second, gathering up the courage before glancing at him. He was staring at me curiously, which made me all the more nervous. I bit my lip ever so slightly, and quickly leaned up, placing a quick and probably sloppy kiss on his cheek. He stiffened, probably caught completely off guard. I felt tense on the inside, but the deed was done. I pulled away quickly, whispering "Thank you" under my breath before taking long strides towards the house. While walking, I felt Daryl's stare burning my back, but I kept an even pace, my heart pounding.


I watched Courtney leave in a hurry. My cheek was still warm from where she had kissed it. I felt heat coming to my face as I lifted a hand to touch the spot softly. That had been the second time that she had kissed me, and each time had thrown me completely off guard. I couldn't get the idea that Courtney might have liked me out of my head. I mean, why else would someone kiss another person on the cheek twice?

But then the little demonic voice in my head had to input its own opinion.

"Yer just a friend to her. Y'know how affectionate she is to everyone 'round here, hell she'd probably kiss Shane on the cheek if he handed her a plate of eggs."

I frowned at the idea that her kiss meant nothing to her. Just as I frowned, though, I noticed Shane approaching Courtney with a plate of, of course, eggs. I watched anxiously as she accepted them, smiling at Shane, but to my immense relief, she didn't kiss him on the cheek. I was already jealous of when Courtney chose to look over Shane rather than me, but then again, Courtney was a doctor. Shane was probably a higher priority with a scratch than I was with a headache.

"But he didn't have to wrap his arm around her." The demon pointed out. "And she didn't exactly try to get away."

Struggling (Sequel to Little Mouse)Where stories live. Discover now